Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The third rowing session

We had the third training session last night, four of us were getting more synchronised. We caught less crabs this time. At least I didn't get hit in my stomach by the oar while catching a crab often.

It is very surpring that the row itself gets lighter and easier when you are relaxing. Very counter-intuitive, I tend to think rowing harder is the way to move the boat forward faster. However, it is so not true. It is more or less like golf swing, you have to be so relax and confident to produce a good shot, never want to kill the ball.

Much brighter one edited by Eric Posted by Hello

Rowing training  Posted by Hello

Monday, June 27, 2005

My Sunday....

This is another brilliant day in London, the weather is just too good to be true. I don't really understand where comes the bad reputation about weather in UK.

I went to Royal China near Canary Wharf yesterday with Susie and Peter. The foods were nice (but I think comtemporary Cantonese cuisine is still the best in Toronto). There came a dish of cold-cut imitated meat of 3 different flavors. Knowledgable as Susie about foods, she had no idea that dish is purely made of tofu. She does not know the tranditional Budduism vegetarian cuisine expels oinions, garlics, scallions, leeks or shallots. It is said they would stir the purity of the monk's mind and body.

I then went biking around, read Steve Levitt's Freakonomics again. It is such a good book.

This is really cool, I should start writing more in my blog. It is like a diary for me...

Friday, June 24, 2005

I was so tired and exhausted after 30 miles, 24 more to go Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I finished my 54-mile brighton bike ride last Sunday, these are my teammates, two crazy nut cases. Posted by Hello

Miffy2005 grand opening

Row, row, row the boat