Yi-Long is my dad's favorite dog. My dad takes Yi-Long everywhere he goes. Before he ignites the scooter, Yi-Long would jump to the foot rest, ready to go. Yi-Long would guard the scooter when my dad goes about his business in a bank or post office.
There came the first-time ever president election a few years ago, political sensitive person like my dad went around Taipei city in detection of possible riot. Of course, Yi-Long went along. When they approached Chen Shiu-ban's campaign center, it was almost sure that Chen's re-elected and people started fireworks on the street to celebrate. Yi-Long was stampeded by the tremendous sound, jumped off the scooter and ran to find a safe place to hide(what a dog, only care about its own safety).
It was chaotic, there were too many people and fireworks, it was almost impossible to find Yi-Long. To make it worse, they were miles away from home (literally). My dad launched all his friends, all my uncles to go around Taipei city on scooters, looking for his favorite dog. However, all the effort was to no avail until midnight. My dad continued his search until 4 am, riding on the scooter and calling out "Yi-Long" in dark and quiet streets.
My dad was sad and tired the next day. As we all thought Yi-Long was gone forever, he walked in the door, completely exhausted and very thirsty. My dad was so pleased to see the dog and tried to pat him on his head, Yi-Long almost bit my dad as if he's saying "Why did you leave me behind"??