Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Ok, we need to put some normal picture to my blog. Jon once commented it is really hard work to get Joey look normal in any picture. I didn't do it on purpose, it is just hard for me to relax in front of Camera.


I think I can be a good actress one day. Another picture in my favorite place in Brisbane.

Feeding Joey

The zoo is the highlight of my trip to Brisbane.

Mustache and Nail

Jon left his shaver in Brisbane and needed to have a clean face for ID photo taking. I gave him my disposable shaver as the emergency measure "It might not be as sharp as real one but it should work, hey it is brand new I haven't used it for my legs or armpits yet". "Joey it is not working at all" "Um, the blade doesn't move along your face but it should work" "No it doesn't" - after some time we found that the transparent plastic cover is not removed. My nails are extra hard and strong, my nail clippers are all super sharp and robust. "Do you need the clippers they are in my makeup bag" "Not really, I chew my nails off" "Wow, I hope you can show me how you do that to your toe nails" "No, I use the kitchen scissors when you are not home".

Smart Phone

I refuse to be a smart phone owner for years, I am still using Mum's old Nokia (state-of-the-art phone in 2000) - it is solid, I have used it in Amsterdam, Singapore, Hong Kong, Beijing and Taiwan. If it still holds together, I think I will use it for another decade. Those who are walking and swiping their smartphone on the street do get on my nerve. There is really no need to save that 10 seconds by checking your phone while walking. And your friend probably won't ditch you because you didn't respond their text messages right away. Jon simply pushed them away - he was running around the loop at the peak and some kids were walking and checking their phone not paying attention to him approaching. I sometimes wonder if Jon is going to be attacked or ambushed if he keeps going that way - um, I don't run with him anymore. Dad didn't understand why kids are all using smartphone until Carol explained to him that they are using it for social networking such as Facebook or Line their friends. He then turned to me saying "why you don't have smartphone? Does that mean you don't have any friends?" He wanted to buy me one immediately.

Sunday, June 01, 2014

Undies Paradise

I have been using Jon's old undies for cleaning, drying, as the entrance mat from the balcony to the living room, use it as the placemat, use it as the insulation materials in the kitchen, hand towel, tea towel, shock resistant materials when kids came around (I wrapped the French window door handle with it to prevent kid from colliding the handle when they jumping on the couch).
I had to force Jon to send the rest of his summer undies to the Undies Paradise because they can barely cling on to his waist.

Continue fighting with Mealybugs

No name after spraying, he looks un-harmed and leaves are all shinny. But all other living beings in the pot are gone. Be ware, do not touch any plants in the park or public area. Who knows how much insecticide they have to use to keep them clean like that.
Bourgi is our favorite plant, she has almost doubled in size after we re-pot her. No name's mealybug problem is not getting any better, I spent almost 20 minutes every morning drinking coffee and cleaning the bugs from No Name. Charlie is also infected - now my work has doubled. This morning I found that the ant is transporting a female mealy bug. Searching the internet, only to find that the ants can herd mealy bugs. They will move them around and collecting nectar produced by them. This is only a matter of time the mealy bugs get to bourgi (the new plant we got 2 months ago and re-potted). Something has to be done. We have no choice but to go with insecticide. No systemic is available, the garden center girl recommended the cheap and effective synthesis pyrethroid. She re-assured us this is safe and easy to use, just like using Raid to kill cockroaches and mosquito at home. Jon was not too happy about it, he really wanted to go systemic (which is the chemical that is water soluble which is then absorbed by the plants - insects that sucking the saps would then be poisoned. However, systemic seems only available to large scale commercial farming like rice growing. I insisted to use the spray at least to keep the mealy bug under control, even it is temporarily. We put No name in the shower and heavily sprayed the insecticide over him, including the soil. It didn't smell too good and we found a paralyzed cockroach facing skyward wiggling its legs cannot flip over. Insects are super sensitivity to Pyrethroid even if by walking through the sprayed area. It is neuron toxins which excite/confuse the bugs. Low toxic level to human but we decided not to use it every again. It was a bad decision.