Thursday, July 07, 2005

Will we ever feel safe again?

What happened this morning was dreadful. Charles Tye called me several time and raised various issues about Adaptiv, I was completely obsorbed in thinking how to get out of this misery until 8pm. Then I walked home, not surprisingly, most streets are blocked and I had to detour.

When I was walking, I kept thinking how and when anything else will be happening. Freakonomics told us that we are more responsible (or terrified) to some unforeseeable events. For example, we are more scared of Mad Cow disease beacuse the half-life form virus is so unknown to mordern sceince. In the same context, the common bacteria living in our kicthen work surface claim more lives than Mad Cow virus. Nevertheless, we have this irrational fear about beef but not our kitchen sink because we know we can easily cleanse and scrub the workstation before every cooking to prevent cross contamination.

I guess that's why terroist acts are so effective. Random violent threats and indiscriminate killings scare us the most. But not car accidents even though there are more people die of traffic accident than terroist attack every year.

What if there is a bomb exploding right next to me? Do I have any other unfinished business? Well, it is hard question to answer....

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