Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Movie Director
I am very impressed with subtle and complex matters a movie director has to consider when creating a scene, a segment of story and orchestra the complete movie. For example, one of the movies she was involved is about the story of the Brothel house in ShangHai in Chin Dynasty (PS2). To re-create the room the girl lived at that time, she said, “What can be seen, can be touched doesn’t tell you the personality of the dweller. But the invisible does”. I start to think what people would make out of me when seeing my empty home in Beijing.
A lot of her works show quite a few ties with Japanese culture (She published her first novel when she was 18 years old. I haven’t been the No. 1 fan of her novels but I read regardless). Nevertheless, one scene she described was in a small village in Hokkaido, where the annual film festival takes place. There is a mamasan who is running her own bar. She was a talent artist and originally wanted to go to the art university in another city when she was young. However, she decided to keep her father accompany and work in a small local firm when her mother passed away.
The mamasan described in early days, old men often brought young men the hostess bar, so the young guys can learn how men interact with women. However, no one is doing it now, the young male generation is weak and unmanly. I cannot help but think, wow, this is really an very important training that a young man should acquire. Without it, most men don’t really know how to treat women right. The rare few who do know the tricks are already spoiled.
PS1. I had lunch with a colleague, in which I started my favorite conversation topic recently, how human being and bacteria evolve together. My colleague then turned a straight face saying if I feel there is a plan for us to become what we are today? I said no, and it doesn’t bother me if the start of life is a complete accident. Can someone tell me why I should be worried?
PS2. The brothel house in ShangHai was patronized by wealthy business men. At that time, people got married really early, so sex is not the real thing they sold but romance. The brothel house was where those wealthy men seeking love. The girls were raised like ladies from good families. Their personalities were not twisted too much that they did have feel for men. The patrons had to work hard to win the ladies heart. They teamed up like a family, where parties were usually thrown in the brothel house. Probably it is very similar to the French nobles’ hangout, the prestigious ladies’ saloon in 18th Century France.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Nail Saloon
Um.. The last time I wore my pearl neckless and ear rings. After dying my hair brown, the elegant assessories strangely fail to do me any good.
Since I am going to leave for Kuala Lumpur the very next day, I was really anxious to visit the nail saloon as soon as I landed in Beijing. My finger nails have grown too long and the surface is not smooth. Cuticles make the finger nails look filthy, no matter how frequent you wash your hands. I normally don't do any colour, just pure cleaning up and polishing the nail surface with special wax.
The girls in nail saloons are very young and cheerful. They chat with you about trivial matters such as make up, fashion and what type of nail shapes you should have (when they are not trying to sell you another service). This type of human touch is kinda lacking in my daily life.
The saloon I go has a lot of female patrons who work as hostesses (don't raise your eye brow, there are quite a few male customers). They are very interesting to look at while some one is fixing your nails (you cannot even read since both your hands are occupied). I don't see northen Chinese beauties in my working environment, the nail saloon is the perfect place to have a good look of them. They have whiter complexion and taller, excellent skin condition and laugh loudly. You rarely see the southern Chinese women's sensitivity in them. Cool! To the girls, it is normal to spend a couple hundred RMB to have the premium treatment (the average working class make around a couple thousand RMB monthly).
Occassionally some middle age women would turned up as well, could be the mamasan who manages the girls. They often dress very well to their age. But you can tell what type of business they are running just by looking at them. It is very hard to translated into English, but in Chinese we say that they smell of wind and dust. Definitely not the flowers growing up in the green house.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Why is SEX Fun?
What's wrong with sandals with socks? It is very comfy!
I was reading Jared Diamond's "Why is SEX fun", guess he was doing research on more interesting topics before the prize winning book of "gun, steel and roses", also the "collapse". A couple of very interesting points he has raised in this research (that I remembered). Collapse itself is an very interesting book, Jared has so many facts to state, yet he refused to impose his conclusion on the readers. In a way, it is not as satisfying for an impatient person like me. Why can you not give me a theory, an hypothesis, I can tell you straight away whether I like it or not.
The book is trying to answer the question why Human Beings can make love all year round (also, around the clock), where other mammals only do it once or twice a year. In other words, why is it fun to do? He is trying to explain this from evolution's point of view. Because human females don't make the ovulating detectable, human male would have no idea when is the best time to have sexaul intercourse with the female in order to increase the chance of hitting a jackpot. Thus, those who think sex is fun spread their genes more efficiently. "Sex is fun" is coded in our gene!
The other interesting point is why human females having manopause if our biggest drive to live is to spread our genes. Some would argued that humans nowaday live longer to reach manopause. However, there are animals that can be productive if extending their life span in the controlled environment. The theory is that the most capable gathers were actually those women who live passed the manopause. They bared no responsibility in raising kids yet they were very experienced in where to get food. The grandmom helped her children to raise children, which largely enhance the human survival and decrease the infant mortality rate.
Another point about the looking powerful man hunter in the tribe, he is not actually feeding his family (if relying on his meanger, unstable hunting gain, most of his family is going to starve to death. Never mention that the successful hunter also has to share his pray with the whole villiage in order to secure allies and turn enemies into friends). The main source of foods is coming from women's gathering fruits and wheats. Then you want to ask, why is man to hunt if there is no actual benefit to raise his family? The answer is very simple, he needs to be the big brother of the tride so he can get sex to reproduce himself. I am just wondering why women tend to pay attention to this type of guy? Hunting well yet not able to raise a family? Does that guarantee a super sperm and super human race? I think vanity is also encoded in our genes.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Irene's Wedding (The End)
The wedding photos were framed and put near the entrance of the banquet hall. There were flowers everywhere. The band was hired to play some nice music, and the master of ceremony introduced everyone walking into the hall (so that guests can be sure that they are in the right place?), the bride's maids and best men walked first to the stage, then Aoki alone, then Irene with her dad. Everyone took turns to give a speech, things like the girl is so nice and well-suit to Aoki's family. The groom has the bright future so he is the best fit to the bride, blah, blah, blah.
I feel all these were done for Irene's parents. I mean, the old generation is too lazy to think of any other way to make a wedding more meaningful. If everyone is doing it that way, we better do it exactly the same way. Of course, the married couple would not think of any other alternative suppose that's the only way to please the parents. A wedding is supposed to be serious yet fun. But not the fun like having a group of noisy drunk Japanese dancing on the stage (Aoki's colleagues, I am sure they are not like this when attending a wedding in Japan) and the band singing pop songs (the loud speakers were blasting so loud that no one can really talk). There were a lot of Irene's father's customers. The master of ceremony had to announce that some Japanese company's president has telegraphed the congrats.
Of course I understand a father's dream is to marry his daughter openly. However, is it really adding any value to his business or Irene's well being? Nevertheless, all the best to my best friend.
(The End)
Trip to HuaLian
Sunday, May 20, 2007
大前研一 Ohmae Kenichi
He explains, 65% of the wealth in Japan was controlled by people aged more 65. The old people like the accompany of their young, which breeds the parasite generation. There is nothing really worth fighting for suppose the young can always be supported by their parents. The divoiced daughter with her kids are welcomed home. Wow! I never thought about this living structure, however, it does explains a lot of things. I believe similar changes is happening in Taiwan. The young generations is fighting so hard to earn a meanger wage, barely able to pay for the rent, while 50% of the graduates cannot find entry level job.
At the same time, you have got the multi-million dollar (USD) homes being sold out so quickly in Taipei. There are lots of people vacationing aboard or within Taiwan, what is going on? Is Taiwan going to become another Philippine (Southern Korea approved the importation of Taiwanese labors)? Where has all the wealth gone? What is the young people have to do to regain the control of wealth?
A couple of very interesting points Ohmae raises are regarding Japanese consumer's obsession and prejudice about goods and services. Take mad cow disease for example, there were lower percentage of cows being infected in US compared to Japan. However, US beef was ban completely for a period while consumers were not told of the danger of consuming Japanese beef.
Taiwan made furniture almost took over the whole world market but are not sold to Japan. Because Japan would refuse the whole collection of goods if small inperfection is found. To furniture makers, selling to Japan is too risky. However, US might still buy it off and negotiates a discount. That's why Japanese consumers would not be able to buy anything cheap.
Everything made in Japan is so strongly sought after, that the clam growers have to purchase the clams from North Korea and scattered them into the seaside in Japan. They were harvest after a week, and was shipped to all over Japan labeled as produced in Japan.
Narita Airport
Supposing using a moving walkway or simply making passenger walk between terminals, it might only take 2.5 minutes? What is the logic to build the expensive 200-meter railway and 2 trains? Is it so that Narita airport can space the people arriving in the immigration control? What if all aircrafts arrive in the main terminal? The expensive light rail just doesn't justify its existence.
Irene's wedding (3)
XiaoHo was doing number 2. Few days ago, he was trying to get YeeYee's toy car. YeeYee was few months yonger and lives next door. XiaoHo was so angry that YeeYee won't give him the car so he gave YeeYee a good slap. We pulled them apart and told XiaoHo he can never hit any one again. Couple days later, we finally pursuade YeeYee to come around to play and promised XiaoHo cannot hit him ever. Everything was so nice, my mom was cooking lunch and I was reading the newspaper while the 2 kids were playing.
Out of blue we heard the door slamming and obviously locked. We then heard YeeYee crying very hard. XiaoHo has locked up himself and YeeYee so he can beat him up without interruption.
Although we all knew the farewell is not like Irene is not going to see her family forever, Irene and her mom were both crying so hard. However, we were all very amazed that Irene's make up was holding firm. We then went to the hotel, I was instructed to open the car door for Irene, she shall not touch anything before entering Aoki's pseudo home. Those 2 got off the car and the diligent bride's maid had to carry the 6 item presents in a big wooden box following them. I managed not to trip over my gown, so proud of myself.
Finally everything was done, we only need to go to the registration office to finish the official document. Emily and I were the 2 witnesses. While the notary explaining the rights and obligations of the marriage, Emily had to translate it to Japanese for Aoki. The document was amended to indicate the ceremony was conducted in Mandarin and being translated. I guess the notary service has to get it clear so to avoid trouble if Aoki doesn't understand what document he is signing.
(to be continued)
Irene's wedding (2)
Christine, Annie and myself. Hard to believe those two were already mothers to a 6-month old and one year old.
Finally taking the bride's maid dress off. There were 2 red line encarved below my breasts down to my waist, connecting to another red mark around my waist. The dress was so tight, trying hard to squeeze the meat up to my chest, also preventing from falling off.
The very next day, I woke up together with Irene’s mom. She was very nervous and can only thought of the issue that there will be a lot of people coming to the house, she needs to prepare some breakfast. I accompanied her to the convenient store to get some milk and bread, reassured her that no one will get hungry. I then went up stair to check out Irene. She was dressed in a red traditional Chinese long dress. The make up artist is setting her hair. Very elegant and pretty, more beautiful than most movie stars. Emily came to help me put on my make up. My hair is really helpless, so she gave up. Aoki and his family came as scheduled, Irene, Emily and I had to stay in the room. There was a match-maker who speaks Japanese and Mandarin. He introduced Aoki (and his family) to Irene’s family and Irene’s family to Aoki’s. Then Irene had to come out, holding the tea tray serving tea to Aoki’s mom, sister and niece. Because this is supposed to be the first time Aoki and Irene met, Irene had to behave like she is very shy. After serving tea, Irene had to retrieve to the room, of course, Emily and I came back in with her. Of course, we kept our ears open for any conversation going in the living room.
A lucky woman is also very important role that I had to explain. This middle age lady has to be married with kids, preferably with grand children. It would be even better if her parents in law are still alive. We called this lady a “five complete lady”. She basically has to instruct the bride what to do during the ceremony. The “five-complete” lady is Irene’s aunt. She knocked on the door, indicating Aoki’s family has finished their tea.
After Aoki’s family drank up the tea, Irene came up with the tea tray to kneeling down in front of them to collect the empty tea cup with red envelop in it. This indicates Aoki’s family has accepted Irene as the daughter-in-law to be. Irene then retrieved to the room, waiting for the time to exchange the rings.
The time was calculated according to Irene and Aoki’s date of birth. They have to finish the ring exchange before 9am and Irene has to leave the house, before 9:45am. The ring exchange was done alright, pictures were taken. Irene then retrieved to the room and getting dressed in the western white dress (yes, the one we took back last night). Everything was running according to scheduled then we realized that we have left the white head cover in the hotel room!!! We have got only less than 45 minutes, Irene’s dad has to cover her up with the white head cover at 9:40am and then she has to walk out the door before 9:45!!
Getting the head cover from the hotel room is out of the question, we called the wedding photo company hoping they can send us another one yet it is too early no one answer the phone. The make up artist rang up her students living nearby. Yes, she’s got one heady. She is going to put the head cover on the cab and the cab will come around right away. We were panicking like ants in a wok. What if the head cover couldn’t arrive before 9:30? What can we do? Using a white bedspread instead? Luckily, after 20 minutes nail-biting wait, the taxi arrived with the head cover. The ceremony can go on and Irene can now leave the house now.
Aoki and Irene walked out the door without looking back (that is forbidden). She boarded the car and drop a fan from the car, which symbolized that she has dropped bad habbits behind (leave them to her sisters, ha ha ha). The tradition requires Irene's family's male member (not the dad) to pour a bucket of water while the car drives off. This is to symbolize that a married daughter is like the bucket of water pouring out of door, which can never be collected back. However, nowaday not many Taiwanese people do it since a daughter is always welcomed home, even if she is divoiced with kids.
(to be continued)
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Irene's wedding (1)
I then went to meet with Irene in the wedding photo shop. The wedding photo shop in Taiwan extends their business by providing the beautiful bridal gowns for rent (they are used in banquet). My fitting was done in 5 minutes, then Irene’s turn. Irene was losing a lot of weight, she needed to alter her wedding dress again since her waist is smaller. I think she hasn’t been eating or sleeping for a least a week (she is not yet the skeleton like those anorexia). To pursuit perfection, we spent almost 2 hours in the shop waiting for the tailor to finish up and another fitting. We then moved the 3 suit cases with the bridal gowns and bride’s maid’s dresses.
We went back to the hotel Aoki and his family are staying, moving the stacks of Chinese cakes from the car. Those cakes needed to be handed over to Irene’s family tomorrow, we are using the hotel as Aoki’s symbolic home. We again borrowed Grace’s black Mecedeze, with which Aoki will drive to Irene’s house tomorrow. After moving the huge box of Chinese cakes from Irene’s car, painting and sweating in the confided space filled with fume, we realized we only need to transfer the cakes from Irene’s car to Grace’s car, instead of moving them to the hotel room. However, Grace’s car key was left in the hotel room. So I suggested leave the cakes in the parking lot, and asking the valet parking guy to watch it for us. We moved the 2 suit cases (with bridal dresses) and other stuff to the hotel room, which includes a huge wooden box covered with red paper, definitely too many shopping bags that both of us can handle, and the flower buaquet. In the hotel room, we need to arrange the newly purchase items into the red box. The items include shoes, one-piece dress, belt, handbag, stockings and scarf. This is called as 6-item present from groom to bride. Irene also prepared her 6-item present for Aoki. They are going to exchange this during the engagement ceremony tomorrow.
I don’t really remember what was taking us so long, by the time we went to the parking lot, the cardboard box of cakes was gone!! We were running around in the parking lot like mad women, finally some one told us our cakes was moved to upstairs since the valet parking guy was off at 10pm. We called the front desk, they had no idea where the cakes were moved to but they promised to look for it. We waited for about 45 minutes but no answer (I utilized the time by decorating Grace’s car with the ribbons). Out of desperation, we saw a manager-like man coming down the stair well with a notepad on hand, he must be on his checking route for the night. I pointed him to Irene, who immediately ran over, hurriedly explained our situation “Without the cakes, the engagement is off!!” The manager calmed her down by asking what her name is, he then promised us again he is going to look for it personally. We waited for another 30 minutes, thinking about all the possible solutions if the cakes were not found. There is no viable solution, Taiwanese bride’s family weights the cakes more than anything! It resembles the groom’s family’s determination to get a girl into their family. The quantity and quality of cakes are both valued (although Irene ordered the cakes herself). The cakes will then be distributed to relatives and friends at the wedding.
The manager finally came. He’s been running obviously, sweat coming down from his forehead like small streams. The cakes were found, the valet parking guy thinks he is really smart, he moved the cakes to the banquet hall that was reserved for tomorrow night. The manager then transported the huge box of cakes to the parking lot.
After the trauma, we were ready to pick up Emily (who dozed off in front of TV) and drove back to Irene’s house. We arrived around midnight yet we had to wake up at 5:30 to prepare for the engagement ceremony. Without any food and alcohol (I secretly smuggled a bottle of Glenfindich in my bag, hopping to do a small hen’s night party). But I was too tired even to unpack, I fell asleep immediately. Irene, Emily, Irene’s mom and I shared a king size bed, I picked the middle position and it was said that I snored like a pig after 30 seconds.
(To be continued)
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
There is something about XiaoHo
One day, while XiaoHo was taking a shower, XiaoHo said to Grace that he would like to become a girl. But he was very troubled by the fact that he has a penis. Grace said “Mommy gave it to you, you have to carry it whether you like it or not”.
XiaoHo replied “I want to give it back to you”. Without hesitation, he reached down and tried to detach his penis. The unsuccessful attempt annoyed him so much “But I cannot get it off me”.
When we traveled to the southern Taiwan, we went pass an old town. Seeing tricycles running on the street, Grace sang the famous Taiwanese Nursery rhyme to XiaoHo
Tricycle runs quickly
Carrying an old lady
Fare is fifty cents only
Paid a new dollar bill crispy
What a strange old lady
XiaoHo asked “Where is the old lady?” Grace replied “If you keep being naughty, I will become an old lady very soon”. XiaoHo paused for a while then said “The tricycle is going to take you away”.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Ken's Wedding
I think I need to buy another dress for attending weddings in the future.
Ken is my ex’s cousin. For some strange reason, we kept running into each other. We first met in San Francisco. We met up in New York when he visited the big apple. He moved to London couple of years before I do, and Beijing. I swear I was not stalking him but he is really good in keeping touch with old friends. He would throw me a call once in a while.
In order to make my way to his wedding, I begged the project coordinator to put me on the project in Kuala Lumpur, so that I can easily fly to Singapore. Hey, why not? Thang also flew in from London. The banquet was like the Londoner re-union. It was also nice to see my ex’s parents and sister. Very well connected in Singapore and Indonesia, people in this huge family hang out to each other. After the banquet, Londoner friends and the family all went to night club.
Non-stop supplies of Champagne and sake swamp the tables. We then all went to eat the famous Hannan Chicken Rice. The rice is cooked with the juice coming out while cooking chicken, very well done. The chicken itself is also very tender, even the breast meat is juicy.
I had a very good chat with one of the uncles. He seemed to like me a lot, always standing next to me. I didn’t pay attention when he put his hands around my waist. After the food, it was raining really hard. He offered to drop me off in my hotel and accidentally drop his hand on my thigh in the cab. Oh well, I casually cross my leg and his hand fell off, conversation continued. I thanked him for the ride and ran to the hotel lobby.