Pretty flowers in the forest near Nikko
I like to read my mom's email. She scribbles strokes on the hand writing recognition pad and picks correct Chinese characters one after another (She doesn't know spelling and tone labels, 4 years of schooling in Hong Kong back in the old time didn't have those). Her writing style is yet classic and elegant. She doesn't read much. With limited education, I always wonder where she's got it from. Perhaps that has something to do with her love of Cantonese opera. Her wordings were minimal and classic. Some every-day langague is nicely blended in. Here is her letter to me today (sorry for those who cannot read Chinese)
阿坤:是否 3 号返台。廖金猪除了耳朶像廖文傑,其他臉旦極像你小時模樣,很可愛啊!名字可能採用廖宥權,文傑花多天時日來研究生辰八字筆劃等,佷煩及無聊的新爸。媽等你回函,會接你機。 媽媽
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