Going to the the Kawaguchiko, the town right next to Mount Fuji. I really need to have a fresh breath of air outside of the concrete jungle. I mean, Tokyo is great but after a while you kinda miss the mountains and trees.
We came to the season where all leaves have fallen the week before, the riverside is under on-going renovation, mud and sand were everywhere. Oh well, it is still good to get out of town for a while.
As a little girl, I spent a lot of time playing with stray dogs. In fact, I collected them, always took home with me a dog with serious skin problems. Stray dogs were suffering from fugus infection or flea bites. They tend to scratch too much which later develop into infection. Of course, no one was treating them, the ill skin turned into smelly wounds. My parents were too busy to notice what I was doing, I did spend a good deal of time after school in the garage.
I started this fugus infection condition on my fingers since grade 3. During the winter time, the skin broke out no matter how much lotion I applied. It is like the fingers refuesed to obsorb any kind of moisturizer. You can see the small porous holes filled with water underneath the skin on my finger tips. And they itched like hell.
It bothered my mom because my hands were so badly chapped it bleeded all the time. She would squeezed time out from her busy schedule to take to doctors. In my memory, I had tried so many different type of medicine. Sometimes the medical lotion was black greasy like asphalt, sometimes it smelled nice like strawberry. But nothing really helped. The sympton would go away for a while then return. The doctors told me not to play sands or touch dirty stuff, but I guess they don't really know I was taking care of the stray dogs. My mom would sometimes hold my hands while walking, always moving her fingers around mines to check if the condition had been relieved but she always sighed.
After I started attending high school, I had no more time with stray dogs, the condition was getting better but still not fully under control. Sometime later, I got a bottle of medicine for skin diease from the vet and I was applying it on my stray dogs, a couple of weeks later, both my dogs' and my fingers' skin were cured.
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