As many of you have guessed, my brain is filled with junk.
The main theme in "the Lucifer Effect" is about situational power. Why a teenage soldiers could do unthinkable cruelty to captives in Abu Ghraib or Guantanamo, and claims it is only a game to have some fun. The author even spelled out 10 conditions to get a normal person into the tourmentor, such as instructing him this action is good for some complex, high and long term goal, such as someone is standing aside indicating he/she will take all responsiblity, etc.
However, I am paying more attention to the victimized side of the evil situation. Shyness in victims to protest sometimes provokes more attack and more violent treatment. Of course, keeping silent and avoiding being too outstanding is some sort of oriental way of living. I have seen quite a few overly sensitive people (usually guys, perhpas this contracts stereotype male quality more ) missing out a lot of fun, chances, and opportunities because they are shy.
A friend insisted to finish his Starbucks coffee before entering a Lavazza coffee shop. I was like, what's the big deal. It is not like we are remorselessly sitting there without making any purchase (I am buying coffee for a group of 3). Being honed by other drivers in the road, what is your problem, not everyone has to drive like a Formula One professional. I eat whenever I feel like to eat in the office, never mind others' scrunity about why I am eating a full plate of pasta at 10:30 am.
As I age, I start to understand there is nothing to feel apologetic for. Being disliked? Hey, com'on, take a number, there is a queue of not liking me.
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