Friday, December 12, 2008


Finished reading Melcolm Gladewell's outliner in 3 days. This is really cheating, double spaced and thick papers (but I also complain if the words are too small, women are hard to please). The ideas are pretty much very Melcolm, I mean, just like his previous "Tipping points" and "Blink", what he said in those books are very very common sense. However, he is just a very good story teller, who organized the idea in a better way such that the dull, mundane common knowledges become very interesting.

In one of the chapers he said that the middle class family tends to train kids to speak with adults with ease, thus, they tend to conform with the society better (knowing how to deal with the authority, filling up the forms to apply for scholarship, etc). However, kids grew up in poor family tend to be against the authority because they have been rejected all their childhood. Anti-social, or has difficulty to communicate or to bargain for a better deal for themselves in school, or in life.

It took me a long long time to talk to adults with ease, ha ha ha ha, even after I have turned into an adult myself.

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