I have strange appetite of animal innards. Mosunabe is one of my favorite dishes in Japan.
After eating cold Sandwiches for 2 days, I think I should have something hot and soupy. Walking around Amsterdam, found a couple Chinese restaurants, and I decided to trust one of them to provide me something to calm my Chinese stomach.
When walking into the restaruant, I can smell the long grand Thai rice smell, not the top quality one. Ok, at least we are sure this is run by Hong Kong immigrants (Hong Kong people have this strange habbit of eating long grand Thai rice, very very fragrant, whereas Chinese from other places don't). I can guess this is a not fancy but practical Cantonese food shop.
The soup is the clear broth base, cooked with dried fish, which is the traditional way. Good sign. It is scolding hot, even better. The egg noodles are those mixed with some alkaline. Texture is bouncy, full of wheat and egg flavor. However, I found some noodles are still stick to each other, oh no, point deduced.
The duck meat is dried and the skin is too fatty. The funny thing is I found I have around 5 or 6 pieces of fresh duck meat, and 2 old one (maybe the unsold roast duck being sent back to oven the next day, great way to sell not so fresh meat). Which is exactly the same as those duck noodles in London. I wonder if the duck noodle chefs all went to the same cooking school?
I cannot have the second helping.
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