I fell soon after this picture was taken. The buckle of my skate in the left caught the right while I sprang out to catch the crowd (I was sitting down and adjusting my boots). I was literally flying out and fell on my tummy, flat on the ground. Ha ha ha ha
The story is very similar to a movie I watched long time ago, Battle Royale - a group of Japanese high school kids were dispatched to a remote island to kill each other. The rational was absurd, I don't remember the details. The hunger game has a better background reasoning and the story is very engaging. Starting from page 1, I know the protagonist, a starving heroine, is going to win the game. It just has quite a few twists that her counterparty from the same region is secretly in love with her (or he is just pretending to enhance his chances of surviving). The idea is pretty interesting that all the participants need to win the crowd's heart to get support. The whole event is like the crooked trueman show, with more violence. It is a role playing game, live!
It is a ok read, no need much brain power to digest, perfect vacation kill-time reading. I suspect there will be sequal soon, and not sure how good it will be.
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