Thursday, July 07, 2011

My Aunt and Cousins in Toronto

This is a long await vacation, I finally made my way to Toronto, escaping the scotching temperature in summer of Tokyo. I am literally doing nothing but hanging out with my aunt, my mom and Ho family (they all traveled to Toronto). After getting over the jetlag problem, I wake up early in the morning to jog, make bread and coffee for the family, drive my cousin to subway station, clean the bathroom, go grocery shopping to feed the family, it is all very relaxing.

Over the dinner table, we were talking it is very possible to fight off the traffic tickets in Taiwan because police men are normally very nice (and gullable). Espeically it comes to the young and pretty ladies (um, things are just easier for young and pretty girls everywhere in the world). But my aunt contributed a different story, that her sister, auntie Gui, once was caught speeding on the high way. Her execuse to the police officer was that "my legs were cramping so badly that I cannot release the gas paddle". She got off the hook!

Jen has been an ethusatic golfer since Auntie Feng brainwashed her. In one of her softball pratices (preparing for the match against the Genetic Lab group), she swang her bat in a way that the ball flew over to the pitcher with great force. The ball hit the guy and broke his ear. The coach came to her "Are you a golfer?" in a very concerned tone. Replied positive, the coach replied "Please do that again in the real match".

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