Friday, October 28, 2011

Seoul of Asiao (2)

We finally had some decent Korean style BBQ.
Seoul is beautiful in this season, the weather is just mild and you can see the beautiful change of leaves, thus, I have no luck in any hotels nearby my client's office. I was put to some hotel that requires 30 minute commute, fortunately, the subway system in Seoul is very efficient. Still, walking 10 minutes is not very fun with heels. But this makes us live more like locals - my last trip in Seoul was all Taxi rides, I learnt to say "straight, left turn, right turn, P turn (a way to turn left if direct left turn is not allowed)" in Korean, ha ha ha.

We went to experience the famous Korean Spa treatment - Teamiri, which is roughly translated to body scrub in English. Cathy's description was so vivid and fun, I cannot refuse to try it. She said you are basically just like the fish in the market, lying on the board being scaled.

We followed the advise from the tourist information center to the cheaper Spa place (which is 2 stops away from Myong-dong) the next day. Amazingly my broken Japanese works better than English. We were all very confused about how things work but it turned out one of our scrub ladies is from China. Communication is not a problem! The scrub ladies were all middle-age women, who dressed in torn down panties and old granny bra. You can even see the birth mark on their bellies. Before we walked into the body scrub area - which is right inside the spa/bath house, I can see them sitting there, almost naked and chatting happily away with each other. No offense but this scene does strike me as if we are going to the low class brothel.

Everyone in the bath house is of course naked, Cathy and I were asked to lay on the thick plastic sheet covered massage bed. I was thinking if the serial killer wants to cut open his/her victims, this is a great place to do it. The scrub lady scrub us with a rough srubbing cloth, with a great pressure. Quite embarrassingly she almost touched every piece of my body surface. This is very strange.

There are really brown things coming out, I start to wonder if I have showered myself properly every day. After the throughout scrubbing, she poured a bucket of hot water all over me to rinse away the dirt, really just like how fish monger does after they gut the fish.

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