Sunday, July 20, 2014

Totally Unacceptably Bad Movie N+N Film

After watching this film N+N, my first reaction is angry. This story can be potentially made into a very good documentary that actually makes people think deep but you have made it into a boring film trying to stir up emotion. Besides, the acting is really bad (is this because the artist didn't have enough funding to get proper professionals?). Why propaganda - sentences like "government is useless" or "corporations are taking advantage of ordinary people" are said more than once in the film, why state the obvious is it because audience are all needing your education? The young artist should have done better given her experience in stage directing. That makes me furious. The film basically destroy my hope that film industry in Hong Kong in the 21st century could have something original and interesting after the blooming activities last century. If the internationally recognized artist from Hong Kong produced a film in this high-school-students'-project quality forgive me for being blunt, what can I hope for? I do not think I am confident enough to watch another Hong Kong film.

Indeed Hong Kong is pretty dry in terms of culture and creativity, I suppose there hasn't been a sense of community, historical legacy because most of the population migrated to Hong Kong only recently. But the story, if we can ever say the film has a story, passes no message. Throughout the film I see a granda and a grand daughter hanging out mostly in the most crowded parts of the city and go back to their spacious country house so that grand daughter can have the space to ride a tricycle. I guess most people would like to have this life style - enjoying the convenience in the city and comfortable country house. The old man's home is going to be torn down - he can no longer take the best part of both worlds and that's why the movie was made?

At the end of the film, it says this film is dedicate to those who lost their homes because of development - so I finally grasped the message that the story is about against development. But please bare with me for a moment, may I know where the artist and the crew are living now? 50 years ago, it is most likely to be someone else's homeland, which was torn down and re-built. Against the development is layman's ideology. The high speed railway might have reduced the carbon emission given that train is most effective form of transportation. It could bring benefit to other part of the world, of course, anywhere outside of Hong Kong is not the artist's interest - at least I do not see it in her work.

My suggestion to her is that she should go back to school and perhaps take some philosophy lesson and learn how to write a convincing argument in a logical manner. Do not give me the excuse that I am an artist so I do not need solid training in academia environment. I think that's exactly what Hong Kong needs - we are trying to find the solution to problems, rather than arousing emotion to gain popularity.

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