Thursday, August 28, 2014

Properties Investment

My friends probably all know my passion about properties - I am always looking around for farmlands, flats to buy.  I partner with my mum with a few properties investment projects in Taipei, so far we have been pretty successful.  In addition, I am almost famous as the "slump queen" in Tokyo 23 wards.   I am also looking to buy in Hong Kong if the yield is reasonable despite of the crazy prices. 

Recently I have a second thought about property investment.  Properties investment has become the only place investment can go and the honest money cannot find its way to solid infrastructure improvement to increase productivity.  Large percentage of the GDP comes from rich men's selling to/buying from.  This is absolutely absurd.  Germany keeps the housing market stable and people can focus on more meaningful growth.  Why are we so greedy that the hot money has to rush into the property market without control.  There is nothing I can do but at least I can decide not to join the game.

Although property is still the only investment that can fight inflation successfully - holding cash is nowadays looking more and more silly - I should spend them all in expensive holidays or designer handbags while I can, but sorry I don't like either of those. 

What are the investment choices?  Jon has come up with some interesting ideas - buying into the co-op farmlands in New Zealand.  It is normally very costly to buy and manage a farm by individual.  What if we pool small investors' funds into a capital that allows a professional team to run a dairy farm?  By doing so, the land right is owned by individual investors, the land is much more unlikely to be acquired by some rich people and turn it into a private apartment block complex or factories.  In addition, we are holding the asset rather than currencies. 

I wonder if I can go visit my cow "Daisy" one day in south island. 

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