Monday, September 29, 2014

What does an expensive new car mean to you?

I am sorry that you bought yourself a brand new car, you practically lose 1/3 of its value the moment you receive the key from the dealer.  You will be the slave of your brand new car for the next 1 year because you will be so worried wherever you park the car - it might get stolen or enjoy any food in your car - it might stink up the seats.  Not to mention the environment damage produced by the car factory and shipping.  You might argue that you are getting this for the sake of your family's safety hence the expensive car - I suppose there is no safe car if you drive it into the wall no one is safe in the car.  You might argue the expensive car is more fuel efficient - I suppose the carbon footprint of making a new car is enough to zero out all the benefit the efficient engine can give you in the first 5 years.

Please admit it that you buy a flashy new car and post how much you pay for it because you want to show that you are better off then anyone else who cannot afford the same car.  But it only means you are better off it doesn't mean you are a better person - buying a new car doesn't make any financial sense and create lots of damage to our fragile environments. 

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