Friday, April 22, 2016


I was reading an article on the Taiwanese web based media - the last name of the person the story was about was printed incorrectly a number of times.  No one ever proof-read the articles before publishing it?  I was so upset that I wrote to the editor right away.

I used to subscribe a famous Taiwanese paper magazine to send to Dad and I can read their articles online.  I happened to be back and picked up an old issue, the magazine is missing pages from 127 to 136!!!  I was furious wanting to call their editor but that's the weekend.  This is so unacceptable.  I didn't renew my subscription. 

Why is it so difficult to be professional and proud of what you do?  Is it because you are short of hands or the company is going through the cost cutting phase?   Either way it is basically telling your readers that you cannot care less about them. 

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