Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Wet hair

Girls with long hair look more feminine, pretty and delicate - I just cannot help but dislike those who cannot be bothered to tidy up their hair on weekday morning on their way to work(weekend is a mini holiday, no need to look professional). I always think women should not look delicate and feminine during the day, unless your profession requires you to look that way, which I cannot think of many.
Many wash their hair before going to work, why going out with damp hair? I feel that look is extremely inappropriate anywhere but swimming pool or beach.
I am not against being feminine. But a Chinese girl (I am using "girl" to refer to those who has no children, once you become a mum, you can do anything) will be criticized "you are such a boy" if you are not slim, not graceful or not having white complexion. Being a girl means you should not enjoy outdoor sports, should not be outspoken, should not be assertive, hate to get tanned and likes to go shopping.
Basically if you put together these "being a girl" qualities together you get a woman I do not want to hang out with. I suppose that's why I find being feminine during the day so distasteful.

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