Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Home Quarantine (4)

Almost half-way through, another 7 days to go. My phone buzzes on average every 2 or 3 hours saying I am again running away from my apartment. Even the police officer gets fed up, she asked, how many days are you going to be around.
Back to the virus, I am not a medical expert, so I stand in no position to make the judgement. That's also part of the reason that I started to dig around trying to find more information about this virus since last January. However, the more I look, the more indication I found that media is showing only one-side story. There is no debate, because all second opinions are ignored or discredited in the name of "they do not care about saving lives". There is no science, because I have not yet seen a solid, sound, proper study about how effective masks are - there are tons of pseudo studies about masks, WHO or the media only want to publish the ones providing positive results about wearing masks. There is no consistency, if lock down work is essential to keep everyone safe, why are certain people like supermarket workers are allowed to travel freely? Surely they carry gems like any other living beings. If staying home works, why they ignore the fact that virus can survive on the hard/plastic/metal surface for hours, that means the water bottle you got from the supermarket could be covered with virus. But they tell you staying home is the best thing you can do to you and your family. If wearing masks protects others, why N95 is allowed - the valve in the mask is to allow air flows out, in other words, it filters in, not out. If I see anyone wearing N95 masks, I should be running for my life - but the media nor the government is not telling us this. They only dully repeat, wearing masks to protect yourself and others. There is no truth, no media ever compares the natural number of mortality 2020 and the year before. I was so curious whether this virus is lethal, because I don't see people dying on the streets. So I went to the government website to look for the mortality statistics in Hong Kong. They only published the figures in 2017. There were 80,000 inpatients due to pneumonia and 6,000 death. In 2020, COVID-19 so far claims 150 lives, similar to the car accident mortality a year! Where is the consistency, science and truth? When the whole society abandon those values and retrieve to the option of living in a locked down society because that's the laziest way out, I am really losing hope.
The picture is our X'mas lunch last year, I tried to make Yorkshire puddings, but not very successful. It is so hard to get hold of good piece of meat in Hong Kong (unlike in Taiwan, Mum has stocked up the fridge with great premium meat and produce, we were surprised by the quality of food ingredients in every meal, and casually claimed this is nothing special, huh?).

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