Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Chinese Doctor

I went to the most reputable Chinese herb medicine store in Beijing, taking the prescription Dr. Lin wrote me 2 years ago, thinking I finally am able to get my eczma and allergy problem fixed. Ecstatic...

I never tried to read the prescription, it was really 10 or 12 different names of some herbs, I didn't even notice that the units were scribbled in some characters I don't recognise at all. I thought those are the common language for people in Chinese medicine industry. However, the pharmacists in TongRenTang couldn't recognise the unit because Beijing has modernised almost all measurments. Dr. Lin's unit was the ancient Chinese weighting unit.

I have to see a Chinese doctor so he can translate this unit to gram. The doc is an old man in his 60s and has a cigeratte butt in a ashtray. Before he could speak, he's coughing so severely that I thought he is about to chock. I asked if he is alright but he seemed to be out of breath for a while.

I escaped the room to see another doctor next door. The doc is even older, he is probably 80 something. He cannot read some of the names of those medicine in my prescription because Dr. Lin wrote in traditional Chinese. I also wonder if he should have a new pair of glasses. But he's done his job, translating the ancient Chinese weighting unit "chien" to grams.

He insisted to measure my pulse but his diagnosis is totally different from Dr. Lin. He thinks I am having a cold. I asked him how long he thinks I have been sick, he said, it is a long long time. I then got interested and asking for more information. He said, it must be at least 3 months. I tossed his prescription to the gabbage bin as soon as he is out of my sight.

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