Monday, December 25, 2006


In Kuala Lumpur, most mulsim women wear headscarves, even the 3 year old has the tiny scarf around her head. But it came in different shades and styles. Why is the religion so afraid of women exposing their hair? The common answer comes like it is to prevent provoking men's sexual thoughts. If men are so brainless that they can be aroused by women's hair? The teaching is really beyond me.

However, according to newsweek (in responding to some European countries' upheavals of headscarves), wearing headscarves was not in the original Muslim doctrines. It starts with the Arabic women trying to distinguish themselves from those non-believers.

I just feel that is the very useful tool to impede a girls' freedom. It is hard to imagine a headscarf-wearing girl going backpacking in south American countries... Well, she would die of starvation because nothing is halal anyways.

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