Meeting up with Mai last time in Tokyo....

Meeting Mai this time in Tokyo... Mai can drink. Our usual drinking program is like this, start with 2 pints of larger, fellow by 2 small bottles of sake and then Shuijiu to end. I had little problem finding my way back to the hotel.
I was reading an very interesting article http://www.jref.com/culture/misconceptions_prejudices.shtml , written by a Kaijin (foreigner) living in Japan for ages. The homogeneous society, heavily indoctrinated by the uniformed education system, have quite a few misconception and prejudices about westerners according to the article. Such as Kaijings are all american and Japan is a very small country. The author has given quite a powerful arguement indicating that Japan is actually not a small country compare to most European countries. Some other issues such as Japanese do not know that 1st Jan is not the traditional New Year until late 19th centry an so on. I think the author is a too critical, you can produce similar arguement with any other countries in the world (or in the universities, ha ha).
One thing that the article has indicated is the lack of critical thinking training in the education system, or the society requires every one to conform, rather than being skeptical. Well, I guess that is one of the survival principles. You do have to pay the price to be different, only those with strong nerves and determination can do. Why not being lazy?
However, there is no doubt that Japanese culture has very strong influence. The advance economic has bred the super neat, convenient environment. Perhaps that's the obvious way of life to pursuit?
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