Monday, June 25, 2007

Everything can go Blastic and Gone the Next Second

I was very upset by the news that my friend has been diagnosed Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia a couple of weeks ago and very ill. Young (a year or 2 younger than I) and energetic, we used to play basketball in the parking lot when working in Mountain View together (cannot jump very high though). American Born Chinese, bright teeth and shy smile. He was an obssessive gym goer, we used to make fun of his muscles. He later moved to London and has been trapped since

I think it is the abruptness that strikes me hard. We all know that unexpected happens in life and we are educated to accept it. But it is another story when it does happen. I was so upset and talked to a colleague. He said, his high school mate, the star of local basketball team, was attacked by A.L.L. From diagnosis to burial, one month. Thanks for the information!

I don't know what I can do to help, that depresses me.

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