Sunday, June 03, 2007

Tough Consultant

I just met the most unhelpful consultant in our organisation. She is in this business for very long time and her principle is never being nice and friendly to client/colleagues. For example, god forbid that I asked her if she knows under what project we should book our time in, she would say "Why you ask me? You should ask the project manager." When clients asked her for help, she would say "I've told you to do it this way, things went wrong because you didn't follow my instruction". She is very tough in never compromising, never giving in to clients pleads or requests. She doesn't care if clients complain about her, the experienced treasury consultant is always in demand. However, she is good in pushing the project forward and meeting the deadline (somehow she pressures clients to sign off), I cannot deny it. She is good at her job.

But working with her is definitely not a pleasant experience. Every time she says no, my anger just climbs one level higher (especially the no was said to my direction).

In fact, she meant good and what she was doing was terribly politically correct. But her delivery is just bloody awful. Do you have to behave like a spider (so everyone wants to smash you) in order to push a project forward?

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