Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Day Market Crashes

Dried Mushroom
Dried Shrimps
Huge Radish
Dicing them up
which takes forever
Fried them in wok
Mixed in threaded
radish in Wok (it also takes ages to do)
Mixed in the rice powder, the chopsticks got heavier
Mixed in the rice
Steam the mushy mixture
I consider myself a savvy investor, I like to collect financial products from stocks, savings to mutual funds. I also like to spread my investment over different regions and currencies. It is kinda fun to management them with a excel spreadsheet.

Of course, the performance doesn't always go north, I have got stuck with a loser stock for over 4 years (still not getting out). The other failure came just last 2 weeks. With the extraordinarily low transaction fee, I have got myself into positions of some strange mutual funds... Then the market crashes 2 weeks in a row. Neverrtheless, it is better to take risk now than later.

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