The yukata has so many different colours and pattens. Both Auntie Feng and I were so excited and we cannot wait to put on the dress the moment we got in to our room. Anutie Feng is always the girly one, I am just starting.
As we left the hotel heading to Nikko, the train was stopped 2 stations away from Kinugama onsen station because of the strong wind. Of course, with my limited Japanese I wasn't able to figure out what's the matter. Susie ran around the train chasing the train manager, we finally figured out the train service is suspended, and no one knows then the service would be resumed. After 45 minutes of waiting, both Susie and my aunt were so impatient, they determined to find a solution rather than rest our fate onto the train company's mercy.
We walked out of the train station, the wind was indeed very very strong and bitterly cold. Susie made a couple of phone calls to the taxi company but nothing is available. After a couple of minutes in cold wind, auntie Feng was eyeing those cars coming to pick up people from the station. She ran over and demanded a ride to the bus station in English, unfortunately was turned down. Auntie Feng wasn't giving up, she started to walk toward the big road and raised her thumb. |O|, she is trying to hitchhike. As the weather got worse, it seemed hitchhiking is the only way out. So 3 of us made our way toward the biggest city Shimoi-Imoichi and try to hitchhike at the same time. However, no one really stopped, I was so amused by this, cannot stop laughing the whole time (I might look very mad, perhpas that's why the cars didn't stop). Those 2 finally gave up and walked along the road, while I was still trying to stop a car, walking backward, facing the incoming traffic.
While we were passing a bridge (the scenary is really pretty, if it is not so windy and cold), both my aunt and susie walked so fast that I cannot catch up (I was walking backward, remember?). My aunt later explained me she is afraid the wind is going to blow her over the bridge. Hey, wait a minute, how about me? You cannot be bothered to tell innocent and naive Joey to pass the bridge quickly? She said she think I am OK since I am carrying both her and my stuff in my huge backpack.
We finally found a bus stop, however, the bus just left when we arrived. So desparate and cold, Aunt Feng suggested that we should call the police asking for help because we are foreigners, trapped in the mountain and don't how to get out. I was like, again, hesitating whether I should embarrassing myself or just pretend I don't understand her. While I was checking the bus map, Auntie Feng waved frantically, she spoted an avaialbe taxi. Miraculously all 3 of us got on the taxi, warm and safe, heading toward the largest city to wait for our return train to Tokyo.