Hung out with Berlin tour guide, Stevie trying the German/Italian coffee (bitter expresso on top of vanilla ice cream, plus some Chocolate whipped cream). Suprisingly, it is not too sweet.
Berlin is vast, everything is spreaded, scattered around. There are a lot of greens, and of course, history everywhere. I think people are drawn to Berlin because of its special geographical location (the wall around the city, located inside the heart of east Germany) and the disturbing Third Riech history during the war, at least I am.
It is very heavy going through the Holocaust memorial and musuem underneath it. Sometimes life can be just lighter than air, 6 millions of Jewish people vanished, that's 6 zeros after the single digit 6. I still cannot figure out how a person can treat another person as if he/she is not a human being. We went through a open exhibition, "Topology of Terror" located in the original Nazi government buildings. It is amazing to see how Hitler went to the thorne of power by elbowing out the opposition parties, and it is equally amazing to see how intellegent, well-educated citizens turning into the followers of this crazy politics (want to go back and re-read the "Lucifer Effect").
Berlin was not in its best weather while we were around, I was constantly freezed, regretting I should have brought my winter gears with me from Tokyo. Summer in Europe is really like late autumn in Asia.
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