Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Yoga and Vegetarian

I am always blunt about my Vegetarian friends, I told them "look, I don't really want to hang out with you because you are no fun. You don't enjoy the same food as I do and you don't drink. Because of you, we have to eat at some wooshy washy expensive Vegetarian restaurants, in which the food I don't even like!?!? Please don't expect to see me in any dinner party that you are planning to join." After practicing yoga, I am eating less and less meat (they smell). I ran into this yoga instructor who is strongly against animal killing - he advised us to try. I was pondering about the possibility and decided to give it a go. It is greener, more environmental friendly and cheaper. My shopping basket is filled with fresh veggies and tofu. Some cheese and beans (to make sure I get enough protein and calcium). It is indeed cheaper!! Though I allow myself to eat small amount of fish, I can still go out hanging out with friends thank god alcohol is not made of animal protein. I decide not to make my friends' life difficult, I can eat in any restaurant but just not much meat. It seems like being a yogi and vegetarian is always part of 30 something woman's life...

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