Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Translator Needed

Susie stayed with me and, I think, the woman is a terrible bed-mate. Although I am not very good myself (I turn, kick, speak and sneeze when sleeping) but Susie always lets out large amount of gas near the dawn (strange body clock). I tried not to think about the smell but it made such a big sound, the whole bed trembled I thought the earthquack is taking place in my dream.

Finally she went in the shower, I got to have the whole bed myself and tried to catch up some sleep. As I was falling into the deep and sweet darkness, she came back. I said "did you just finish your shower" in Chinese. It took me few seconds to realise I was talking Mandarin to a English speaking person. But it felt so natural the way I expressed my thought.

I was told that I sleep talk in many different languages. It would be very interesting to study how multi-linguals process information in their brains.

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