Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Summer Vacation

Our family memebers are all into this veggie drink fashion recently. Grace, Kevin, my mom, my brother and I are drinking fresh made fruit and veggie juice in the morning religiously. It does work very nicely for me, my terrible eczma on my face went away. My mom goes to my brother's house to take over my nephew, Golden Pig, from my sister in law by 6 am. Then she makes the fruit juice for my brother (making him drink up the juice while he is still half sleeping, he then drops back to the bed). My brother's eczma comes all over his body in a very severe form. Little blisters filled with blood, and he often scratches until they break. It is so hard to see some good piece of skin part from his face and it is so hard to imagine the condition is remedied by daily fruit juice.

While I was in Taiwan, chatting with my mom, she said that my brother's eczma attack came back again. "Why?" I asked "If the fruit juice not working anymore?". My mom said "Oh, because I am on summer vacation, no one is making him fruit juice every morning".

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