My sister Grace. My mom thinks Grace is more real a daughter to her than I to her. One day I went fish shopping with my mom in the traditional market, the stall owner asked "is this your daughter?" "Yes", "Oh, you have many daughters" (Because Christine, Irene, Grace all had been shopping with my mom before). I sometimes wonder whether the stall owner would think that my mom had a lot of different boy friends that's why all her daughters look different.
I forgot to mention the scary journey of sending Akiko to the airport the day after we finished the swim. We had happy DimSum with my whole family including the Golden Pig. When we realised it is about time to leave, it was already 30 minutes overdue. Grace drove us to the bus terminal nearby, but we rarely took the bus to the airport since driving is the most convenient way (and it is always possible to find some free hand to drive). The bus terminal has changed since the last time I took the bus 15 years ago. We were almost near the end of the bus terminal drive way but still cannot find the ticket booth.
Grace stopped in front of the gas station, I jumped out and asked people around. The time is really running short, if it takes 1 hour to get to the airport, Akiko would be there only one hour ahead of her departure time. As I was panicking looking around, there is an airport bus leaving. The driver saw me being disappointing and nervous, he stopped the bus in the middle of the road and opened the door!
I ran back to Grace's car and pulled Akiko out. Pushed her into the bus and threw her lugguages while the cars behind us honking like crazy. My heart was ponding after we both drove off and waited in front of the red light. Grace turned to me "Are you sure this bus going to the airport?" Holy Shit! I ran off to the bus, knocked open the window on thd driver side, shouted at the driver (because it was raining and noisy) "Are you going to the airprot?" He knodded. "How long would that take" "75 minutes".
My heart sank, but there is nothing we can do. Chances are Akiko is going to miss her flight. I went back to our car and Grace threw me another question "Does Akiko know which terminal to go to?" Shit! I ran to the bus driver again (Thank God the red light wait is long enough) "The Japanese lady is going to Terminal 2, please help her" He knodded again.
Grace and I then went to pick up my mom and Golden Pig, on our way to shopping, I was still worried and kept checking my phone if Akiko might call. Smart Grace suggested maybe Akiko's flight is not exactly 4 o'clock sharp, after consulting our travel agent, the departure time is 4:30. What a relief.
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