Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Yoga and Vegetarian

I am always blunt about my Vegetarian friends, I told them "look, I don't really want to hang out with you because you are no fun. You don't enjoy the same food as I do and you don't drink. Because of you, we have to eat at some wooshy washy expensive Vegetarian restaurants, in which the food I don't even like!?!? Please don't expect to see me in any dinner party that you are planning to join." After practicing yoga, I am eating less and less meat (they smell). I ran into this yoga instructor who is strongly against animal killing - he advised us to try. I was pondering about the possibility and decided to give it a go. It is greener, more environmental friendly and cheaper. My shopping basket is filled with fresh veggies and tofu. Some cheese and beans (to make sure I get enough protein and calcium). It is indeed cheaper!! Though I allow myself to eat small amount of fish, I can still go out hanging out with friends thank god alcohol is not made of animal protein. I decide not to make my friends' life difficult, I can eat in any restaurant but just not much meat. It seems like being a yogi and vegetarian is always part of 30 something woman's life...

Monday, April 23, 2012

2 bad movies

On my way from Tokyo to Hong Kong, showing 2 movies in the 4 and half hour flight. Ok, I really hate them and I think I should record my resentment and despice. "We bought a Zoo" might be a real story, but, com'on. The 7-year old girl who behaves like a 27 year old sensible woman? Making peanut butter sandwiches, slided them into ziplog bag and labeled them? The script writer is either doing too much drug or has never met a devil like 7-year old (that's what they really are). I dislike that little girl the most, her innocent demeanors seem insincere and fake. I basically don't like anyone in the film, they are just too nice and too far away from reality. The 14 year old rebelious son turned around to be the good friend of the dad? Oh, give me a break. This is indeed a feeling-good movie, but it would be great if we are viewing it as if it is a carton, I think it works pretty well for teenages or anyone younger. "Hugo" is another bad movie. Viewing it as if it is an anima won't even work. There is no logic to the story. A 10 year old boy lives in the train station without food and any form of care. That's totally just too fictionary. It is unclear why the great movie producer gave up his career - he is not making great movies anyways as far as I can see from the clips. I gave up the 20 minutes before the end, I think I would be better off by spacing out, otherwise my brain cells would die if keep staring at the screen. One question to ask (BBC also asked that before), why the French kids speak English with British Accent?

Being in Hong Kong

Um, 80% of my pictures are about drinking and eating... Maybe I should seriously thinking about getting a new camera. My new boss from Sydney, Taro-san is obviously not giving him any break.
Hong Kong amazes me in may ways. People live in a way not like Japanese or Westerners, they bravely and courageously show their true selves. Not trying to cover up being a Chinese, for example. Not trying to be "White". Funny thing is that I think this is one of the few places where girls do not prefer western guys (belive me you see many of those in Tokyo or Taipei). I guess the reason is complex, Hong Kong has been a British colony for almost hundred of years, long history of communication with English speaking world. Nothing is really too fancy in Hong Kong girls' eyes. They are also very practical, these English official or expats hang around in the maid serviced high-end apartment all because they are expats. When they return home, the living standard is very questionable. What's so cool to marry a foreigner and move away from the convenient, exciting and volatile Hong Kong? Find a rich local guy is their first priority. One thing I cannot understand is that Hong Kong ladies are trendy and very fashionable before certain age. But after that threshold, their taste or fashion sense are just like some wire snapping. Seeing many middle age ladies wearing tights (ok, tights that you cannot see thru, but they are still tights) walking on the streets as if that's just normal casual dress. I almost want to shake them into their sense, tights are called tights because they are designed to be worn inside something!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Angry Bird

I went grocery shopping without shopping bag, I ended up putting the cabbage and carrots to my handbag. When returning back to the office, before emptying my bag, mobile phone rang and I had to empty the bag to fish out my phone (women spend half of their life trying to find things from the hang bags) - my colleagues made fun of me by taking photo of the contents
My second nephew is a kid with a lot of characters. He came back from school, dressed as angry bird - with 2 thick black eye browses painted on his face and refused to let anyone touch it. It just so happened that he came down with flu after school. We suspected it was the serious stomach flu virus infection, hence hurried him to the pediatrician's clinic.

The doctor said no words about his obviously artificial painted eye browses but carried out normal examination as if there are tons of kids coming to her clinic with them every day.

Monday, April 02, 2012


Taken last year summer only received it just now... The dinner with my Japanese bank clients and San Francisco Colleagues.

Traveled to and from Toronto within 3 days. I barely slept since Thursday morning due to the stress and jetlag. I flew back on the red eye flight, departing from Toronton at 1:40am. Somehow I got upgraded to premium economic class and had a good space to relax. After a meal and movie, I popped a sleeping pill and passed out for 12 hours, woke up just few minutes before landing. A 15 hour journey is not too bad, I am in a reasonable state to work.