Saturday, December 22, 2007
Old China Town Paradox
Waitrons are either temporary (grad students working night shift to save for next semester's expense), or the owner couple's relatives, who you see year after year. There were 2 types of owner's wives (not to be discriminative, but most chefs were male). One type is the hard working one, who never manages to make herself look more presentable. She sits behind the counter, making sure the money is collected. She would also put on the plastic glove cleaning up the table or dishes when shorthanded. The other type always keeps herself pretty, have the nails meticulously done. She would articulates her Chinese style, almond eyes and so on. Smile flirtatiously to every male customer (she also remembers their names). Never dirty her fingers with kitchen work.
The quality of ingredients is not of the best because the restaurants constant struggle of saving cost. I was told, in New York, the final batch of fish market's sales is scarvengered by Chinese restaurants. The old China town restaurants keep feeding the city with cheap and somewhat authentic food. They are fine to survive but cannot pocket more to rejuvenile the food and service.
There is a Chinese saying goes like "You would know how to eat and dress after being rich for 3 generations". Oversea china town tends to be too seedy and overly Chinese to have comtemporary high quality dinning experience. Of course, there are exceptions, those who insists to do their food the original way for decades.
The best hope to get nice food is to trace those Hong Kong immigrants after 80s.
Monday, December 17, 2007
5 Short Stories (yes, there're 5 of them, thanks Ata)
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Alien attacked the earth and human almost wiped out, but when they all work together they defeat the aliens and the earth is safe. Then a big meteor destroys earth.
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The detective concluded the bulter committed the murder of the millionaire. The bulter protested his innocence, suffered a heart attack and died.
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"Work hard and you can achieve your dreams!" The mother told her son. He then became a world class athlete and he won a gold medal in the olympics.
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A father and son exchange bodies after being struck by lightening. A lot of funny stuff happens regarding kids & adults situations. Then they return to normal.
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This ends my series of SMS haiku stories. Hoep you enjoyed these profound engrossing stories in an SMS (160 character maximum) nutshell.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Broken Fingers

Going to the the Kawaguchiko, the town right next to Mount Fuji. I really need to have a fresh breath of air outside of the concrete jungle. I mean, Tokyo is great but after a while you kinda miss the mountains and trees.
We came to the season where all leaves have fallen the week before, the riverside is under on-going renovation, mud and sand were everywhere. Oh well, it is still good to get out of town for a while.
As a little girl, I spent a lot of time playing with stray dogs. In fact, I collected them, always took home with me a dog with serious skin problems. Stray dogs were suffering from fugus infection or flea bites. They tend to scratch too much which later develop into infection. Of course, no one was treating them, the ill skin turned into smelly wounds. My parents were too busy to notice what I was doing, I did spend a good deal of time after school in the garage.
I started this fugus infection condition on my fingers since grade 3. During the winter time, the skin broke out no matter how much lotion I applied. It is like the fingers refuesed to obsorb any kind of moisturizer. You can see the small porous holes filled with water underneath the skin on my finger tips. And they itched like hell.
It bothered my mom because my hands were so badly chapped it bleeded all the time. She would squeezed time out from her busy schedule to take to doctors. In my memory, I had tried so many different type of medicine. Sometimes the medical lotion was black greasy like asphalt, sometimes it smelled nice like strawberry. But nothing really helped. The sympton would go away for a while then return. The doctors told me not to play sands or touch dirty stuff, but I guess they don't really know I was taking care of the stray dogs. My mom would sometimes hold my hands while walking, always moving her fingers around mines to check if the condition had been relieved but she always sighed.
After I started attending high school, I had no more time with stray dogs, the condition was getting better but still not fully under control. Sometime later, I got a bottle of medicine for skin diease from the vet and I was applying it on my stray dogs, a couple of weeks later, both my dogs' and my fingers' skin were cured.
Sharing Table with the Iron Chef

Party like the Indians do

Saturday, December 15, 2007
How to Make You Day
We were required to flash our badges when passing through the gate. I always smile sweetly to them although I seem to be the only one doing it (yeah, Tokyo people all have the poker faces, can hardly spare a smile to strangers). I think it somehow pays off.
I was ask to bring back another colleague's badge back to the bank after my Japanese lesson in the office. I flashed his badge to the security guard and smiled sweetly as usualy when entering the bank. I was not stopped.
In the Train
The subway train ride in Tokyo is dead. The moment a group of talkative and energetic teens board the train, they go dead silent. No one looks around to spot anything/anyone interesting, everyone is trying to avoid eye contact with strangers. I am often amused by this, so I just look around and try to catch anyone's eye contact when I am in the train.
When Irene came to Tokyo, we were sitting in the train and talked in Mandarin. "The train is really quite" " Yeah, I know". "Can we pretend to have a fight?" "Do you want to get on TV first then be deported to Canada and me to Taiwan?"
So I rested my case and we kept talking while everyone else in the train was so quiet. Suddenly Irene grab my shirt and asked me agressively if I think she is going to get rich one day.
I was genuiely shocked, thus, my facial expression said it all that we were not joking. The act clicked in my mind almost instantly and I took over the sence . I started to shake my head violently and gave this please-do-not-beat-me-up look. (I found that Japanese people are very sensitve in facial expression, they are very good at picking up your emotion in general, perhpas that's the side effect of living in a highly, densely populated area).
The train car is still in dead silence. I stole a glance over the people, no one was trying to look at us but the air was tense, you can feel that people in the car are starting to feel uncomfortable. The oyaji (old-middle-age man) sitting next to me just stood up and walked to the door, although it is not his stop to get off.
We resumed our conversation in normal pace, as if nothing has happened, so did our fellow passengers.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Meeting with Big Boss
We went to the pub next to his hotel, I was trying hard to look professional and confident. But the moment I set foot into the pub, I started my multiple sneezing non stop and also I really needed to use the bathroom. So I grabbed chance between my violent sneezing saying I need to go pee. He looked at me, obviously amused, said that's too much information. I was a bit embarrassed because I didn't use the proper language in front of the big boss (that must be the voilent sneezes), nevertheless, I set out to the toilet.
The toilet located in the corner of the small pub was occupied, I decided to go back to our table and wait for my turn. As I walked, I tripped over the platform right underneath the bar stool. I literally flew and landed on my knee. The semi-full, noisy restaurant turned dead silent for a couple of seconds while I was on the floor. I managed to get up with my last streak of diginity but my shins were hurting like hell.
The big boss was even more amused, kept telling people around that I am more fun when I am really drunk. I am old enough not to feel really embarrassed but my shins were badly bruised and scratched. The big boss asked for ice from the bar, put them on my foot and instructed me not to mention this to HR. The waitress came to take our orders and asked me sympathetically how is my foot.
The bruises went away today but my arm muscles are so sore and tense. I must thrust my arms forward very hard when falling.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
Made to Stick
Anger also enforces the belief that we are correct, do you remember last time when you were angry with someone, you cannot rationalize but only understand "I was right, it is not my fault"?
Similarly, surprise, the emotion urges us to note there is a change in our thinking pattens. We tend to be comfortable to contant events. A out-of-blue change is more likely to make us think, wanting to get to the bottom of the sudden turn. Because it is a signal to change our guessing routine, thus, the unexpected sticks to our minds longer.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Young Wife
He was sitting next to this young girl, attentively making sure that her plate is full of foods and she is not too bored by people around her, who she barely knows. The manager is a typical middle-age Taiwanese business man, loud, grass rooted and sharp. Speaking Mandarin with thick Taiwense accent and looking at me with accusation eyes when I told him that I don't speak Taiwanese fluently. You can feel the fight between manhood and tenderness when he looked at her with the dreamy eyes. How he divoiced his wife who fought with him over these years for better life and married this young lady from ShangHai? However, you can sense the jokes shoot toward this young ShangHai girl from other managers' middle-age wives are not coming out of no where (are they feeling insecured?).
How is life being fare to the divoiced middle-age wife? Will she be able to find another life after all these years spending on her husband and family, living without herself? She is driven out of the social cicle because of this young kid. What is she now after being ripped of the title of being someone's wife? Is she happier after being single again? However, if the middle-age manager responsible for love being lost between them so that the affair could have the chance to grow? We all have the right to pursue happiness, however, if it costs others' happiness? Would you do it?
One thing we can almost be sure is that the middle-age manager would not have been so lovingly taking care of his company if he's not divoiced his wife and brought her to the dinner.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Line of the Day
The client is painstakingly into details, and clinging to the documentation word by word. Another very good tech consutlant who was dismissed from the bank told me that once the bank asked why the downloaded software was a zip file before and is a jar file tihs time. They demanded to log this as an issue and wanted a 10 page long explanation.
(the java jar files are usually packaged into a zip file to ship)
Monday, November 26, 2007
One of the housewives strangled the abusive hudsband to death and, being the most sturdy and strong one in the group, she was asked to help out getting rid of the body. She did, cutting her friend's husband into pieces and threw them with household waste. The group of part-time housewives is drawn into this killing and cutting one after another. This is really a page turner, you cannot help but wanting to know what is going to happen to these plain, normal housewives, how can they get out of the mess.
After the body part was found, the Casino owner was the primary suspect of the killing. The author spent a long time describing him, how he became impotent after raping and stabbing a woman 17 years ago. With which her pleasure and pain are his and his hers. He is the lonely soul, trying desperately to find the sexual climax no one ever experienced. I actually find this character more interesting than the cold, intellegent Masako (the protagonist). In fact, my attention was drawn to Sakate, the casino owner, because he is such so much different from the ordinary Japanese men I know. He is a pimp, selling women in his hostess club to whoever is willing to buy them a drink. He dressed very well yet too pronounced. His voice is low and smooth. He has solid, almost stocky body build yet his fingers are delicated and well-manicured. He is scary, in Kabuki-cho, people are experienced enough to get out of his way when he's on the street.
He is looking for another woman who hates him like hating snake yet attracted to him, as anyone can guess, Masako fits. (Don't ask me why, Masako is a mystery in the whole book. The book only vaguely explains that both she and the casino owner have things in common, that is, they are both sick. She wouldn't mind being killed, as long as it is in his hand, and he wants to kill her while making love to her). He met Masako when he found out that she got rid of the body. He also found out Masako has the potential to bring back his widest sexual experience.
Meanwhile, Masako started her own little business, as if she had no choice, she started to cut up bodies in her own bathroom for the Yakuza and earn heafty amount of money for herself and her housewife friends. She sure had choice not to get involved. But I think this comes from her self-destruction. She didn't need the money, she just wanted to see how low she can sink.
I am not going to tell you how the story ended. The plot is happening in the most ordinary, boring neighbourhood yet the clush of personalities isamazing. However, I think the book is a bit weak about Masako and Sakate's motivation.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
When the Tree Falls in a Forest without Anyone There
I had very philosophical conversation today. It goes like:
"Why it is not good to think negatively?"
"Because you might potentially lose the benefit of thinking positively"
"Your answer is very positive in a negative way."
Saturday, November 17, 2007
What Love Looks Like
I will need to do some shopping today. I literally passed out the whole day, haven't been so sick for years.
I was reading the Taiwanese movie director's plan to depict Taiwanese men. They are usually shy, don't know how to express themself, care about friends (to be honest, I am not sure there is anything to film about). His next filming plan is more interesting, a love story. He said, when you are young, you fall in love with your own imagination. Everything lovable about her/him came from your own restless thinking. When you are middle age, love is a shit hole, features mortgage, children education funds and endless unexpected expense. When you get old, love is to hold your partner's hand and take a walk.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Want to be a Consultant?
Contrary to the monetary reward of being a contractor, the downside is you don't know when you will be told to go home. The bank can turn around and say we don't like the contract we signed a couple months ago because we don't like you now and we are not going to pay you anymore. Holly shit, this can get very emotional and personal. I can see it is taking toll on my friend over this past few weeks. Of course, the off-site work were not made clear to the bank at the beginning is also a reason.
The other not-so-good thing is that a contractor is never belonged to any team. It would help if the hosting officer make some effert to blend the contractors in, what if the environment is contractor-obnoxious? The time and energy to cope with the political upheaval are amazing.
Sitting on the Tin
My sister in law, nephew, Grace and my parents were all present. We ordered 4 or 5 dishes which are pretty standard and delicious. I didn't eat much but the rice because the food tasted too salty and I had to stop my parents from having a verbal fight. It is very energy consuming to divert their attention.
Anyhow, my dad became the victim to accompany me to the airport. Strangely my bowl movement clock was messed up and things were fine again after a bathroom visit. As usual, airport is the place where my father likes to get emotional and we had a fight, throwing violent languages back and forth (while lots of people enjoy watching) until I entered the gate.
The next day I got my dad's phone call saying everyone is having the diarrhea or vomitting. I am fine apart from the fact that I didn't feel hungry. A couple of days later, Irene called me saying Aoki and she were also seriously ill after returning back from Taiwan. It turned out it is the stomach flu, which is very contagious. The inflammation is caused by rotavirus rather than food poisoning. My mom and I seemed the lucky few who is strong enough to fend it off so far.
I woke up with sore limps and abdominal pain this morning, yet still thinking eagerly what I am going to do today. However, I have to answer the call of nature number of times even before my morning coffee. My Saturday is ruined.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
What Do You Really Need in a New Flat
I moved to a flat with almost everything I need, but there is a little mess up with my luggage, I spent my first night on my bed without bedsheet and blanket (had to wrap myself up with my scarf and put on many jumpers). I didn't have towel to dry myself after shower, I pursed up my lips and dried up my hair with pajama, at least they are made of cotton.
Toilet rolls are of course important, but in Japan, you can always get free packet of tissues on the streets, this can wait. My mouth guard is getting uncomfortable, I needed to use scissors to shape up the plastic piece. I used the nail clipper instead, not the most efficient way but it worked.
I brought my french press and fine coffee powder with me. My day is only starting after the boiling hot water goes into the pop and the wonderful coffee aroma flows in the light, crispy morning air... The first time I feel like to cry after this month's relocation ordeal was when I realised I have no coffee mug and it is impossible to drink it out of the coffee pot.
A Hole in the Wall
I don't really agree with the way the bed was positioned in my small bedroom when I viewed this flat with my agent 2 weeks ago. Under the influence of alcohol and boredom, I think tonight is the night to make my life a whole lot better, by changing the orientation of the bed. I went to the bedroom, removed all excess weight that is going to impede my grand plan of rotating the bed, ready to go. Carefully calculated the space, I decided to lift my double bed side way, rotate it to the position desired and then let it down carefully without damaging the drywall. The bed is surprisingly heavy even after I remove the matrics and supporting woodslabs. I lifted the bed up so it is resting on the side frame. I easily rotated it to the position and the real problem revealed itself to me. It is viturally impossible for me along to lower the side of the heavy bed. Many ideas started to roam in my mind. Disassemble the bed requires screwdriver, which I don't have. Asking the delivery guy to help me with it is too risky, number 1, I don't speak Japanese (he might think I am inviting him to have some fun with me). Number 2, I don't want to invite stranger to my bedroom, either. OK, so I am all by myself, what can I do?
I slowly lower one end of the bed, carefully cushion the leg against the wall with my T-shirt. I then move along to the other side, trying to move the side on the ground inch by inch (the floor is carpetted, friction is huge, very hard to move), so I can adjust the cushion T-shirt inch-by-inch so that I don't damange the wallpaper. As I moved to the lower end of the bed, a strange thinking occured to me, why shouldn't I try to lift the whole bed quickly so both end can be situated in the right position? That saves a lot of time. I naturally went to the weight center, lifted up the bed as hard as I can and then the disaster followed.
The bed has the heavy wooden panel sticked to the head, what I have miscalculated is the bedsite lamp has added the additional weight to one side. The bed was not balanced when I hold the center of hte bed frame, it quickly ducked over to the wall and created a 2x1 inch hole on the wall. I am very much devastated.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
I wrote to my manager, clearly indicated that I don't appreciate his phone call and my first month in Tokyo is certainly not the best. His phone call made the lowest of the low. When I clicked the "send" button, I was determined to quit. I cannot imagine working with such a character. What the hack, I can always find a job in Starbucks.
My manager wrote back within half an hour, I cannot be bother to read it. Toward end of the work day, I finally bring it open and found that my manager has agreed to extend my corporate apartment yet alleged I am the key person he wants to keep in his professional service team. OK, my immediate problem is solved (I don't need to slush my luggage with me to Rippongi and move again on Monday when the apartment is ready), a relief. But I am still edgy, feeling humiliated and uncomfortable.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Grinding Teeth
I was given the dental guard and use it religiously since. However, I sometimes dream about biting into food and found that the guard has stopped me from enjoying the texture.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
The Bloody Finger
I came back home from school just like any other oridinary school day. My father was working on the machine in the garage. My mom was chatting with Uncle Thomas. Out of blue,my dad walked into the living room with his left hand holding his right, blood was springing from his enclosed left hand and dripping on the floor. My father said "Give me a cigerrate, I think we need to go to the hospital.". I remember my mom slipped into floor and Uncle Thomas held her up. I came out from my room and witnessed the whole bloody scene. I fetched the car key for Uncle Thomas and they were rushing to the emergency room.
I was left alone in the empty house, with blood all over the floor from garage to the living room. My mom's rigid house clean training kicked in. I picked up the table cloth and mop, started to clean up the blood from the first scene, the machine in the garage. As I cleaned the blood from the steel debribs, I found the top third portion of my father's pinky finger. I think my father and I had never been that close since my childhood. I took the lifeless, meat-like finger to the sink and let the water wash away the dirt. I read in reader's digest some people's limbs were saved that way (reader's digest is only good at that time). I wrapped the finger in tissue paper, put it in my back packet and jump on the bike, riding as fast as I can to the hospital.
They saved my dad's ring fingure, but the pinky finger I sent cannnot be attached because the bones and muscle were threaded. We put it in the perservative filled glass bottle and save it in the fridge so we can scare and disgust our guests once in a while. It might be lost when we moved house a couple of years ago.
Happy Birthday, Miffy!
There is a huge white dolphin isolated in one huge tank (I am using huge too many times? But she is really huge, 3 meter long at least). She swam in circles, practiced tricks because she knew how to draw the wow from the crowd. Her face seem cheerful, you know how dophine looks like, the slightly upward curvey lips always give you the illusion that they are enjoying themselves. She skillfully let out the potato size bubble from the breathing hole on top of her head and then eats it in with her smily mouth. She does it again and again, as if she is appreciating the attention. I stood there and felt so damn sad. She knew it all yet she is doing it because she has no other choice to make her life better. This is a little entertainment in her life, perhaps.
The wild animals are too busy to worry about what they were born to do, they are constantly finding anything that can sustain their life longer in order to reproduce and raise the young. The purpose of life is very clear that they want to survive and prosper. What is there for the animials and fishes in cages? What is there for human beings if you are well fed and don't know what to do next?
The slits are located in the underside of the dolphin's body, concealing the reproductive organ. It looks surprising sensual. After all, we are all mammal, are we not?
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Time to Say Goodbye
I start to wonder why some people strive in their work and some don't. I mean, put the right people in the right envivronment, they grow, blossom and glow. Suppose the opposite, they fade and wither.
One of the most experienced contractors is released from the project for some reasons I don't quite understand. Is there a god? If there is, he must be a serious joker. Sometimes you just have to let things fail, I guess.
Do you notice that the most difficult part of messenging, chatting with people on the internet is when to say good bye? You two seemed to run out of interesting conversation topics yet out of politeness, you hang around, waiting for the other to quit first. I mean, I feel guilty and rude to say good bye, perhaps I am still a nice person deep down?
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Another Curve Ball
Desparated, I called a gaijin agent who probabaly has better idea how to help another gaijing. (my Japanese agent was really inexperienced and naive, she is useless in helping me to solve my problems). He seems to have something in mind when telling him my situation, I hope things will work out.
In the recent years, I guess the frequency I dealt with estate/recruiting agents is quite high. I was almost dating one of estate agents in London when I was thinking about buying a property, we met every weekend. I also have countless sweet phone conversations with recruiting agents. Agents come in different sizes/shapes/demeanor. But they are all pretty predictable. First, start a small talk to get to know you by prying or asking directly. Secondly, trying to show you things not-quite-up-to-your-standard before showing you the normal standard items. Thirdly, creating the illusion that this flat/job is such a hot commodity. Finally, they disappear without a trace after the commission is paid.
I cannot say they are crooked or anything, that's the nature of their job, all they do is just what the broker/agent handbook has told them.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Tsukiji Tuna
Hanging out with SunGard people, man, I miss them very much.
Work is still easy going on my part as I am in the transiting period. It is not yet very demanding. At the same time, I am beginning to lose faith in what I am doing. Risk management seems like a biggest scam in financial history. Credit derivatives allows traders to transfer credit risk form one institue to another, and, how to assess the fair value of the credit risk is still unknow to most practicioners. The vendor and the bank's risk management are still bragging about how well we can help investors to figure out how much the credit risk is supposed to worth. This is just pure bullshit. No one ever predicted the sub-prime market was going to crumble when the central bank is tightening the monetary policy. However, it takes no brain to see when private equity firm gets easy money, they invested in almost everything. Does the risk assessment models tell people how risky it is? Yes, to some extend but people buy the risky assets? Oh yes, for the sake of quick bucks.
The private equity firms and others invested crazily on risky assets because the fundings were so easy, so cheap. If they lose out, no harm is done since the money were borrowed anyways. In this haydays, small fishes like me are swimming between the waves and lies to make livings. But I feel disguised.
Talking to the big guy of professional service from San Francisco, he has been bred and raised in technology since long ago. He mentioned Steve Job who has the miraculous charisma to his followers. As a example, Steve once lured the CEO from Pepsi (or Coca Cola? Don't remember) to work for him "Do you want to change the world or selling soda water?"
Are we changing the world? Or we just convince ourselves that we are?
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
The Eagle has Landed
I have officially moved to Tokyo, trying to find my own flat before being kicked out of corporate apartment in Ginza. Life suddenly became very neat and clean. I spot one guy spitting on the street today before meeting the estate agent, I almost wanted to run over and give him a slap. Do you know how much I sacrifice to come to a no-one-spitting environment? Why are you ruinning it?
Looking for a flat is not a easy thing, given that the rental prices are very high in the city. But I am prepared to live in the closet size apartment. I even called my mom to get some backup on my decision to live in the small apartment. My mom was much patient and understanding (I later think that she is just trying to please me, let the conversation ran into the stream I favored), and gave me 100% support. Citing from the little flat she used to share with 4 other brothers and my grandmom in Hong Kong, she reckond I am having a very good deal.
I will have up to end of this week to find my residence for the next year, time is running short.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Man are Natrurally Shy?
XiaoHo always likes to play cool, even after my mom came back from a week's trip in Hong Kong, he would refrain himself from breaking down but kept playing his toys as if he's not seen NaiNai had turned up. He would then inched close to my mom, got warmed up slowly and the melted on her laps.
One time Grace told me that she was really angry with XiaoHo then she said "I am not going to talk to you ever". After a couple of second silence, XiaoHo asked "OK then, we are not going to talk to each other forever from now on?". Grace had calmed down then started to decode XiaoHo's statement, yeah, XiaoHo didn't realise that he's made Grace angry yet he is trying to please her thus the agreeing statement.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
I-lan is really getting old
Meeting up with my U Waterloo friends in Hong Kong. In fact we were housemates at one point of time. It's been almost 6 years we haven't seen each other. That's really something....
I was stroking I-lan while sitting in the small bench in the balcony and found the huge bug in his right eye lid. Geez... That's the blood sucking lice. The female ones can grow as big as your pinky figer nail, grey and puff with blood. It is very hard to get them off, since they bite into the skin, pulling them off forcefully (due to extreme disguistion) often results in tearing off a piece of meat or skin from your beloved pet. I-lan was bleeding after I pull the female bug off his eye lid, I felt so sad about it.
I aslo found a group of male bugs reside inside I-lan's ear, I cannot stop the urge to ge them all off, although knowing there might be other thousands eggs laid in the hair shafts. My dad came around to see his best friend, mumbling that he didn't know that I-lan was infected because of his poor eyesight. I asked for a container to store those lices, he gave me his astray and vowed the lices will not ever get out of it because he is going to deal with them later. I did my best to clean I-lan's both ears, he is not very happy that I am using my eyebrow twiser working my way through. Yet, I get them all out, I hope. We still need to bath I-lan with the medicien to kill those eggs, or at least, stop them from reproducing.
The next day when I was sitting in the living room, trying to finish my movie "the crying game", to my most horror, I saw the red little male dog lice crawling on the floor. I ran to the astray and found there were no lices in the tray. "Dad, I thought you have dealt with them already", my dad looked up from his newspaper with very sorry face "Oh, I forgot". The lices were all out at large, may have gone back to I-lan (or me, I squrried to the bathroom and wash my hair frantically).
I also noticed that I-lan's eyes are not as clear as before but having a light, greyish green cloud inside. He is losing his vision as my father told me. It is very sad. Is he aging happily?
Why is Sex Fun Part II
Another theory that we usually find lips are sexy because they look like viginas sideways. However, how to explain I sometimes find men's lips sensual?
Yet I started to think understanding all these motivation and drives behind human behavior makes us happier? I mean, would that make us a better person at the end of the day?
Government Official, Farmer, Craftman and Business man
I have thought about my father's family line, after the great culture revoluation, the family was broken apart. My grand father fled to Indonesia, left behind my grand mom and 5 young kids. The master of the household, my father's grand father, committed suicide to save himself from being insulted and tortured. My grand mom was selling blood to raise her kids, yet she couldn't take the hardship and got remarried (this is still supposed the dark side of our family's history, no one openly talked about it). My father risked his life, swam to Hong Kong and the rest of the family were struggling only to survive. In short, the family crumbled to pieces, my uncles denied they have any links to the family, they disassembled the family house and sold the bricks and woods for money. No one cares to carry the family name and has honor. My father is the only one who cares. strange?
I never had good impression about my father's family memebers, they are dishonest, greedy and ruthless in the name of survival. Yet there is nothing left in my father's family line. I mean, no one feels the obligation to prosper the name, I guess we are not going to do it either after my father passes away.
What is the key of a family's survival? I started to think that my father's grand father was the only one who was well-educated (studied law in Japan in early last century and became the followed Dr. Sun in Chinese revoluation). He didn't build the family value system and network of trust. Suppose a real robust and decent family should have more intensive netowrk of support from relatives/friends and a stronger family bonding induced by a united, centralised family teaching? It is hard to imagine this to happen in families without schooling and education? That's the way to make sure a family line can survive?
Serious Typhoon
My going away party in Beijing, this is Lanfang's coffee shop. Very good people I have worked with.
My plane was not touching down smoothly yet I thought I was just unluckily having the bad pilot. Not until I was waiting for my mom in the pickup area than I realised it's windy and raining very hard.
The super Typhoon hit Taipei city the second day I arrived. My home was shaking, moving as the wind blew, really scary. I thought it might snap in half. Yet I was told it is a good thing that it moves around, otherwise the energy would be stored and built up large enough to crumble the building. I was really feeling dizzy at home, my headache was worse seeing my father standing against the big french window in the living room. "What's the matter, dad?" "The window is going to break" came reply. "That's not a solution to support the window with your back the whole day". I then helped to move the big bookshelf to the position against the window (my dad's knee is not doing well, can hardly walk without support these days), with a pillow in between as cusion. My mom came out and saw what we did with her living room, went completely ballistic. Oh well, I tried to console her better be safe than sorry.
The wind was so strong that our building was out of electricity for a while. The worse is that the lift is not in operation, getting down to ground floor would be challenging since my home is on the 19th floor. However, all these didn't stop me from going out. Grace, Kevin, XiaoHo and Grace's mom came to pick me up, my father was really not too happy to let me go out. He thinks it is so dangerous if anything falls while we are driving. As usual, we ignored him and proceeded as scheduled. Great day to go shopping, the shops are empty and the most amazing thing is that shops are still open!
Flying to the Moon and Back
The office is right next to the most exquistic shopping and business area in Hong Kong island. English is more frequently heard than Cantonese. Everyone is dressed in designer clothing (handbags alike), with the big-swing dick attitude. Out of blue I felt a bit scared and thought I might not be made for this. In fact, the fashion and prestige are both more on-the-surface than wall street, at least from my point of view. Yet you can still steal a glance of old colonial Hong Kong in the little street. Very fascinating and dynamic environment.
Perhaps I should re-work my wardrobe and stop using my plastic hello kitty bag?
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Swim across Sun-Moon Lake
I picked up Akiko from the airport at 10pm. It is really quite late, yet we had to drive another 3 hours to the mountain area so I can attend the swim in the morning. I was really sleepy during the drive, had to ask Akiko to keep talking to me. My weak mind and body often shut down around 11 pm. Along the way, I was still trying to spot the cute betel nut girl in transparent box for Akiko to take picture. That was the only excitment.
Grace came to greet us, I fell into deep, deep sleep right after my head touching down the pillow. When Grace woke me up around 5:30, I sadly felt it is so true the good time is always so short (however, I was the only one who had good sleep since Akiko, Grace and Kevin couldn't sleep the whole night).
I had no breakfast, drowned myself with 2 cups of coffee, refused to wear the wetsuit and jumped into the lake at 7:45. (We cheated our way into the first few batches to get into the water, pretending we were some other group... very bad. It would be better to get it over with soon before twenty thousand swimmers all jump in).
The water was cold and wavy. I started to feel dizzy, headache followed. I felt very much like to throw up but thinking I should better do it when I reach the other side. Also thinking I am the youngest in the group, should not lose out to other older guys. What's more important, there is a free lunch box for every swimmer. It didn't feel like a 3.3km swim, I reached over in little bit more than an hour and polished my lunch box before everyone else.
We took the boat ride back to where we started. In the boat, a friend said that he was stopping over in one of the floating platform for a break and saw a girl holding the rim of the platform, looking very troubled. He walked over and asked if he can help. The girl's face went red and the mid-age woman next to her said "Oh, it is really no big deal, she just cannot pee". Obviously it is not that easy to pee in water.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Uncomfortable to Live
Need a pretty picture to give the eyes a break.
I have tried to think what is the thing making me uncomfortable to live in Beijing (or in China), I think the very huge factor is the feeling that you cannot trust anyone, with the same token, you are not trusted, either. Especially if you are Chinese, your trustworthness is seriously challenged if staying in the hotel in China.
The foreign chain hotels are somewhat less obvious, however, you are not greeted with broad smile in the breakfast room or reception counter as your caucasian-looking fellow guests. The breakfast room staff constantly wonder whether you are a sneak-in for free meal and the conceige would run after you if seeing you holding the hotel umbrella. The hotel is always assuming you are taking advantage of them, regardless big or small. If you think this is already bad, the local hotels are make you feel like it is their mercy not to ask you to put down $5000 deposit before letting you get the key to your room.
When checking out, the front desk would make a phone call to some secretly-hide person in your floor and ask him/her to quickly check your room if you have taken the TV set , lamp, fridge, toilet, etc., (I cannot think of anything good to take in the room). If the person is not responding or slow in action, the front desk personelle would stare at you with smile as if saying "yeah, we will clear your name of being a freaky theft in a few minute".
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Full of Youself
He completely looked down the western medical theories and repeatedly alleged the western medical research and body check up (judging a person’s well being with a set of universal and standardized indices) simply kills people. He accused other doctors of murdering. In those articles, he sounded the only way to the ultimate truth. All health problems can be resolved if his instruction is followed. The self-inflation and self-endorsement in his writing is beyond my comprehension.
He might have saved a lot of live but there is no need to punish others who are also working toward the common goals. Who has given him such a confidence as if he has understood fully the natural rhythm of life? In spite of his medical knowledge, I think he is bloody shallow and narrow minded. If he stubbornly believes his way is the only way, will there be any other attempts to mix in others’ expertise into his knowledge stream? I cannot imagine he can outgrow himself from now on. Perhaps there is no need to outgrow for an old guy. Hey, I think it is damn boring to live that way until death.
I have observed some old men behave that way. Celebrities or not, they are quite successful in their own ways, yet unbelievably full of themselves. Perhaps the people around them praised them too much, too constantly, that they started to believe they are the only savior in the world (but believe me, they rarely do anything big apart from bragging about how BIG they are). Condemning others in the same fields seems the only way to make themselves more important.
Perhaps those successful and low-profiled are too secretive and discreet for others to observe. Yet I long for inspiration from them rather than those ego-manias.
Sex in the Hotel
When meeting Mai the other day, I cannot help but raising the questions about how hotels deal with the fact that the guests do invite call girls into their rooms. Mai works for the prestigious 5 star hotel, and she said, the hotel does know what is going on and, though not encouraging, neither banning those in the premises. That’s the essential part of business. The rooms would be filled as long as the guests don’t cause any trouble. She mentioned some girls would come to the hotel with a roller in tow. That does inspire a lot of thoughts about what are inside the luggage. The hotel even deactivates the elevator keycard control, so that the guests don’t need to come to the lobby to fetch the girls.
The scary thing is that she alleged the hotels share a blacklist of guests. Some people were known to have SM or threesome (it is a mystery to me how hotels know what the guest is doing).
Sunday, September 09, 2007
We are What We Eat
I was following my colleague on Friday night to look for a place to eat and drink. We had this trip a couple of months ago, even the order of restauarnt we checked, and got turned down were identical. The restaurants were definitely not the chain stores (although I think those izakaya or yakitori chain stores in Tokyo are really good, at least you get what you expect), those were the quiet, elegant, indepedent eateries in Kagrurasaka area. We were sent out by the apologetic waiter without exception, they were all fully-booked on Friday night.
I think when you reach certain age (or stage of life), what you eat and where you eat have turned into part of your life style. It also explains to the world about what you are. That's why my colleague refused the chain store? (At the end, we had no choice but going to one of those, the distaste surfaces on his face).
I am getting very picky about beer recently, I started to realise non of the bottled beer has fine-enough bubbles yet they don't taste fresh at all. Suppose the beer is not chilled properly or even if the beer glass is not frosty, basically this is a beer not worth drinking.
Some experiment carried on blind tasting of the same wine in ordinary wine glass and extremely fine, delicate wine glass. 99% of the time, the blindfolded drinkers were tricked to think the fine glass carries a higher graded wine.
The line between oridinary food and excellent foods is extermely fine, the same ingredients might produced differenet results only due to very small deviations the ways foods are prepared or served. Getting old is great that you are bounded to get more picky and fussy, we call that developed tasted.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
What Makes You Want to Poo
The Chinese medicine thinks the lung and large intestine are linked. Dr. Lin once told me a case about a nonstop coughing child. After drinking the herb medicine, the child's mother called Dr. Lin with furious voice. "My child was having the diarrhea, the watery feces was all black and stinky!". The doctor then asked "How about his coughing?" The mother replied "Ur..., it's stopped.".
Dr. Lin explained this case examplify the reverse of "Lifting the teapot cap and the tea starts to flow". The cough was induced by congested intestines, once the debris clears up, the "chi" or whatever regains the movement.
Typhoon Came with me to Tokyo
Sometimes the weather man was wrong about the gust wind speed the night before, we would have got a beaudiful day when waking up in the morning, and then jumped out to the streets and met up with other equally excited kids in the park. Or if the weather was really too bad, the wind blew up the trees in parks and nonstop rainfall created the flooding, blockout followed, kids could have great time, too. We played with candles in the night when there was no TV but battery powered radio. When the wind and rain died down, we ran to the flooded street, trying to build any floating device with whatever handy (and tried to stand or sit in it). Of course, parents only found out that we were playing in the worse hygene nightmare a few hours later (maybe they were busy bucketing out water or whatsoever), came calling us home and sprayed the sterilizer all over us. Ha ha ha, that was quite fun.
Going back to school after the typhoon vacation was not that fun, we had to clean up the mud-filled classrooms (where the tables and chairs were all disarrayed). And the worse part was the not-very-creative writing class teacher would ask us to write something about Typhoon among all other zillions brilliant ideas of writing.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
6 Weeks Away from a Wash Machine
The chipmunks in Lake Louise are very aggresive. Armed with the cute look and gesture (standing with their hind legs with tiny hands folding in front of the chest), they are ruthless mockers. We were sitting at the picnic table, happily devouring the brilliant cheese and bagel, the little devil jumped to our laps, climbed to the table top via our racksack, grapped the peanut butter-crackers package as if there is no one looking.
I immediately associated them with Stephen King's story about a devil squirrel, didn't want to touch them but screamed like a little girl. The squirrel ran away with the peanut butter spread.
My scheduled project in Taipei was cancelled due to an unexpected Merge and Acquision on the client's side. I then am shipped to Tokyo to help out with another project (I feel deeply sorry for people who follow up my work, I didn't document it very well). My laundry has built up like a volcano waiting to explode. My mom would better handle them if I am home today, :'(.
The first thing I do after arriving the hotel in Tokyo is to put on my plastic gloves (please see my previous post, hotel survival guide) and started hand wash my laundry.
Although we do have allowance for cleaning clothes, like 50 bucks a week, I feel stupid to spend more than the money to purchase my socks to get them washed. Laundry detergent is really amazing, simple steps of soaking and rubbing yield the muddy water with unidentifiable sediments floating on surface. That is very satisfying, hey, I am getting something clean! Rinse, twist dry and hang actually are not that fun, however, cannot be avoided.
Have heard a dirty joke (don't know why I was reading a lot dirty jokes in my youth, have studied most of existing dirty jokes and can immediately recognise any variation of them before the punch line comes up). A couple nickname love making with "doing laundry". One day the guy requested the emergency laundry handling and the girl was busy. When she got around to the guy, he said he has done the handwash.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
The Love of a Mother to a Son
Pay attention to the shadow, that's me!
In my long haul flight to Vancouver, there was a pair of mother and son sitting next to me. The mother looks in her early forties, but giggling like a high school girl while talking to her teenage son. I feel a bit sick seeing it, what is she doing without a mother's supposingly demeanor. Perhaps she is still seeing her adolescent son as a 3-year-old?
My father is not a stereotype Chinese father, in the sense that he likes to hug, kiss and even bite us. I was bitten in my forehead and chin as a child. It sure was weird but he was simply showing his passion. I put an end to all those in one winter morning. My father came to my room to wake me up, and I think he was trying to kiss his teenage daughter good morning while she was in bed. I went absolutely blister and kicked him off my bed as hard as I could. He was very hurt (maybe also physically?), and didn't talked to me for a while. We have never touched each other since and I don't regret it. Basically I don't like to have physical contact with anyone but my boy friend, I think. Sometimes the urge to touch someone might be induced by the need to form a quick bonding. This was observed in apes (check out the book "the apes in the offices). Pretty handy gesture for insecured people.
I have heard story that the daughter in law woke up in the middle of night seeing the mother in law sitting in the bed she shared with her husband, stroking her husband's hair and looking at him dreamily. Very revolting.
However, I think there might be less tension between me and my father if we had better handled this undeniable stress between father and growing-up daughter. Yet the other piece of advice to those control-freak parents, go get some life for yourself and stop being a boring person.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
A Trap Inside Another Trap
The story begins with a middle-age Chinese, Wen, living in Boston, working for an IT company. His typical American middle-class life was challenged by his university friend, Jim, who works in the explosive IT business in Beijing. Is that the final picture of Wen’s career and live? Working in mid management, paying the mortgage and carrying on a non-surprising life in suburb Boston? Wen decided to come back to Beijing, to join Jim’s former company, ICE. Jim left the ICE to join VLC and Jim’s friend Yu took over Jim’s position in ICE. The sales cycle and implementation are very similar to what I am seeing in China.
The subtlety of dealing with a blonde manager who cannot speak a word of Chinese yet wants to get into Chinese market. The power struggle between those Chinese managers (how to bluff the high management outside of China better and win support). How to make yourself look good by eating down rival’s obnoxious attack and decelerate the damage. Also, the dark side of deal making between vendors and the customers. The salesmen work and penetrate the customer’s IT department and figure out how to make a deal with minimum sacrifice.
It is quite enjoyable read. Did I learn tricks out of it?
A Matter of Shaking Legs
I think this is a sign of weak mind. This person couldn’t correctly position her/himself with the presence of other, feeling the insecurity, and don’t know where to place her/his limps. Uneasiness, nervousness and uncertainty are felt. Sometimes it happens to people who are excited. However, it is equally unacceptable.
Stop shaking!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
The Wisdom of Housewife
Checking into her lunch bag, she has a small tupperware containing tissue papers. It is easier to retrieve. An old juicer's filter has became her coffee filter. Some of the culinaries in my home were used for more than 30 years. She rarely spent any money in buying sets of cookware or dinnerware, yet we always have meals with matching dishes and good quality rice bowls.
Our duvets and pillows were 100% cotton, enjoyed seasonal sunbathing and re-puffing (we sent them to the duvet shop who can puff up the cotton with some machine). I still couldn't get used to the any other cotton in my pillow.
We don't have expensive furnitures (XiaoHo made various drawing on the sofa anyways, now it is my nephew's turn). But nothing is excessive. The only thing she demanded is storage space.
The Day Market Crashes
Dried Shrimps
Huge Radish
I consider myself a savvy investor, I like to collect financial products from stocks, savings to mutual funds. I also like to spread my investment over different regions and currencies. It is kinda fun to management them with a excel spreadsheet.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Career Advancement
However, I am quite curious how these soft kills are be trained? It has a lot to do with the consultant's personality, good consultants simply grow by trial and error.
Coming back to Beijing
Monday, August 13, 2007
Swimming Pool
Carol, Mankit and my newborn nephew. Visiting baby in the after-birth care center is very boring. The baby only eats, sleep and poo. I got bored all the time and needed to go out for fresh air (and foods) everytime I went.
The after-birth care center is something very special in Taiwan. The newborn and mom would spend a month or so in the hotel-like facility. There are nurses and doctor to help caring for the baby and teaching the mom how to breastfeed and bath the baby. In Chinese tradition, it is very important to care for the new mom very well (if the husband's family doesn't do it, the wife's family will complain for the rest of their life). She is not allowed to wash her hair or shower (fear of contracting cold). She has to eat a lot of super nutritious foods so to recover well and produce milk. Staying in the center is a way of giving grand parents' a break.
However, you see more blue blankets in the baby rooms and less pink. I was told that those moms who have given birth to boys have better chance to stay in the expensive after-birth care center.
I started my daily swimming routine last week. My chronic allergy has been showing sights of improving. The eczema is also getting better (the trick is to wash my face carefully and apply small quantity of steroid cream when spotting early sign of eczema attack. The deadly cream effectively stops the spread). Besides, I need to get trained for my long swim in the Sun-Moon lake at end of September.
Going back to my home in Lotus Hill, there is a pretty nice gym in the center of the complex. I signed up for a one-month membership and started my 1000 meter daily swim. It was really painful the first few days. My arm muscles were sore and I needed to apply muscle pain relief patches. However, it is nice type of pain and soreness. How much I miss swimming.
I guess my stamina and style was pretty good when swimming, I scared away people sharing the lane with me. The guy swimming in the next lane started chatting with me. We briefly introduced ourselves to each other and I found that he has worked or studied in most of the countries I ever stayed before. Very interesting, so I asked if he would like to have a drink or coffee sometimes. He only seemed too eager to agree. He left me his phone number yet I only gave out my MSN contact. I figured the guy should not be dangerous since people living in Lotus Hill are generally quite well-educated and decent.
The following few days I didn’t have a chance to get on line, so I text messaged the guy on Friday to see if he would like to come out for a drink after my dinner with Peggy. Peggy didn’t want to come to the drink, so I met with the guy alone in the most busy and trendy district in Taipei. We chatted and I found that he is teaching in some university and he is in his 40s. Although he English is very broken, I didn’t place a doubt of the authenticity of his stories (Master degree in Belgium and PhD degree in Manchester). He then proposed that we go to another pub in the same area. However, the pub was blaring the eardrum hurting music. I think I know some better place, which suits my age better.
My small pub in a quite street features various single-malt whisky, I felt so much at home. The bartender pays much attention to shave up the crystal clear ice which almost smugly fit into a good quality whisky glass. The ambiance is quiet and mature, relaxing. How much I love good single-malt whisky. The guy obviously has no idea what he is drinking (what a waste for someone who’s lived in UK), and to make the matter worse, I think he is getting drunk because he started to say I look very sexy and put his dirty hands around my shoulder and waist.
I was really shocked and embarrassed, pushing him away and the persistent dirty hands came around again and again. Even the bartender felt my uneasiness, kept staring at the guy and eyed me if I need help. This is really beyond my comprehension and I had no idea how I should react. I politely pushed the beast’s hand away, drank up and walked out the door. He followed me out of the pub. I was getting into a cab and I let him get in the cab, thinking since we all live in the same area, it is not too much trouble to give him a ride (stupid me, I should just jump in and shut the door, someone please tell me why I was so brainless? That must be the damn alcohol).
I had no courage to go swimming in the gym the next few days. Even going breakfast to the little coffee shop requires camouflage (I put on my eye glasses with messy hair). At the same time, my mobile phone was bombarded by non-stop phone calls and text message. I feel very sick. Perhaps I should learn how not to be nice. I was invited to dine and drink with strangers many times yet none of those ended up like this. I am really too naïve like Grace suggested?
My mom volunteered to pick up the phone calls for me, and my brother thinks he should send Ilan to bite his balls off. Ilan will certainly do the job very well. I miss Ilan.
Good Bye Tokyo Office
My going away drink was in the outdoor beer garden, the weather was hot and humid. Almost all people in the office came. The conversation topic was about principle and money making. If your action is not morally correct, but that could bring financial benefit, would you do it? People gave different answer, but most people questioned the ruler to measure correctness. We then went to a small Italian restaurant, sample almost every bottle of wine the restaurant possesses.
It is very sad that I will stop working with those nice people. I haven’t felt that way for a very long time.
First Day in School
Gradually, XiaoHo accepted the fact that no matter now much he pleads and cries, nothing is going to change. Actually, Grace was crying at home as well. There is no more excuse to lay in bed until lunch time.
XiaoHo seems enjoying school quite well now. One day when he walked into the classroom with Grace and saw the new kids coming in screaming and kicking. He turned around to Grace and said with determination “Mommy, you can go now.”
Life in kindergarten is military. The teacher instructs those 3 years old to queue up for everything, going in/getting out the classroom, drinking water, going pee, etc. Grace came to pick up XiaoHo and, can hardly control her emotion in seeing XiaoHo after 6 hours of separation, she gave XiaoHo a big and long hug. When she opened her eyes, she found out there is a queue after XiaoHo. She then had to hug the whole class one by one.