Friday, January 29, 2021

Home Quarantine (7)

I am still logging into work, so the daily schedule is not much different from normal. Get out of the bed by 6am, coffee and cleaning, yoga and shower before 9:15am. Starting to look at the computer until lunch time, break for lunch, pick up the computer again until 6pm. Then alcohol time! Saturday and Sunday makes the big difference, althogh the local police station still calls me every 2 hours, I can sleep until my hearts content. Take all my sweet time to practice Ashtanga and mop the floor again. It is fantastic to have 2 slow days once every week.
I am generally very diappointed with the Chinese media that I can get hold of, perhaps I am just not trying hard enough to look for the articles or newspaper that doesn't simply regergutate the western mainstream media's opinions or news. In general, I don't think these Chinese media are capable of supporting their own investigation center outside of the domestic turf. Sigh...
Picture was taken with my brother and nephew when we met in Appi ski resort in Iwata prefecture before the COVID outbreak. That was a great holidays!

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