Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Diet Log Day 4.5 (first half) Jan 13, 2011

Run : Worked until 1am last night, self-pity stopped me to jump out of the warm bed and run into chilly riverside in the dark. Joey bad, bad, bad.

Breakfast : really rushing running out of the house, getting late as usual. I had 2 cups of coffee only. Arriving at the client site in Fuchu, getting really hungry. I ate 2 pieces of chicken dark meat (50g), one small yam and half thick toast. The hunger is hitting me with heavy blow, I am not sure how I swallowed the whole list of items within 5 minutes.

Weight : 57Kg. This is really amazing. I can even feel that the fatty lump in my tummy disappearing. Oh man, I need to run tomorrow.

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