Sunday, January 16, 2011

Diet Log Day 9 Jan 17, 2011

Run : Waking up really late 7am, not enough time to go running because my phone didn't ring since the battery is dead (what a perfect execuse). I determine to get back home before 10pm such that I can wake up early enough to run tomorrow.
Breakfast : half toast (80Kcal), 2 cups of coffee
Snack : a piece of rice crackers (80Kcal) and a candy (10000000 KCal) - forgive my little indulgence, I really want to eat that chocolate... 2 piece of chicken breast meat and some potato slices (250KCal??)
Lunch : 100g spagetti and onion/carrot stir-fry (400KCal)
Snack : The remaining chicken breast meat (20g - I only took 2 bites) and some potato slices
Dinner : Veggie salad and chicken breast meat without dressing.
Weight : 57.5Kg

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